Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

“We want to spread reggae music, based on anti-faxism and anti-racism”

  • Irati Agirre, Misswaymon (Mungia, 1988) is reggaezale and disciple. It’s been three years since it became part of the “family” of the Pantx Records group. With sensitivity, he wants to bring the voice of women on the scene reggae to the front line. Select melodies, self-management, counterculture, and antifaxism between the head and the vinyl box.
“Arrazakeriaren aurkako manifestazioetan nabarmentzekoa 
da zein jende gutxi dagoen”.
“Arrazakeriaren aurkako manifestazioetan nabarmentzekoa da zein jende gutxi dagoen”. (Argazkia: Hodei Torres)

When did Pantx Records become part of the Pantx Records group as a selector?
I liked to go to the pintxos that they organized, I was already reggae. Over time, I met people and I started going to the assembly, and I was invited to be a selector. Three years have passed without realizing it! I remember that in my first performance I was nervous, but those headlines have been our real school.

Where does the artistic name ‘Misswaymon’ come from?Nina Simone’s real name was Eunice
Waymon, a well-known singer, author and producer of soul, jazz, rhythm and blues. I think I was a very sensitive woman, I think I share her personality. Music manages to put my feelings in the pill.

What is the presence of women in this scene?The truth is that
I know more and more women immersed in the world Dj, I would say that the overall picture is optimistic. I feel that in this scene there's a place for everyone and more and more diverse. In Pantx, for example, we are three selectors: Tiki Boom (Fernanda), Lady Mallorska (MF) and the three.

Where do you have to have more music in the vinyls or in the brain to be a good designer?
In the brain, of course! I can't have all the records I want. It is best to go to second-hand markets, where you find the most prized and cheap jewelry.

Photo: Hodei Torres

Based on what do you do the musical selection of a performance?
When it comes to choosing, the ear guides me by the musical taste. The first thing I need is for me to enjoy the song musically, and then I try to maintain consistency between one and the other so that there are no sudden changes in style. On this basis, I seek to choose the Jamaican singers and producers we have forgotten. Of course, there are exceptions: even if I like it musically, I'm never going to share it with machistan messages.

What place does reggae have in Euskera in your pintxos?
Almost everything recorded by Pantx Records was created in Euskal Herria, reggae written in Basque. I think they are wonderful Skabidea, Jah Goikoa, Suaia and Subsistas.

Beyond the music, the character of the collective Pantx Records is
political… It is a project with different axes, yes (discotheques, stamp, study…). Our goal is very clear: to offer something positive to society, creating safe spaces and sharing. Our work is directly related to anti-fascism and anti-racism, as proof of this would be the Anti-Racist Mixed Globalito football championship that we organised nearly five years ago. It is a day to establish and strengthen relations with the people of the neighborhood through culture, music and sport. We are all of the same class, we have the same basic problems and needs, so we demand the need for support networks.

The core of the collective lies in Bilbao la Vieja. Why here?
It is clear that different cultures come together, many migrants live alongside each other and most of them suffer from racism. Taking into account the nature and purpose of the collective, we feel at ease in Bilbao the Vieja if it has coherence. When we come to a demonstration against racism, we must highlight the low number of people. This reality reflects the discrepancy between anti-racial discourses and actual actions. It's very illustrative.

Is there a strong reggae scene in Euskal Herria?I think it is quite
strong, in recent years there has been a flourishing. A clear example of this is that in almost every locality there is a Sound System. There are young people immersed in it and the presence of girls is also important.

What do Basque and Jamaican cultures have in common?
Anti-fascism and the fight against the state unite us above all. We must remember how the Sound Systems were created. The Jamaican was a free people with their own culture before suffering the Western invasion, but then they were exploited, enslaved and culturally marginalized. When the United Kingdom took over the country, English culture prevailed, even musically. In the late 1960s, independently, it began to raise the voice of black peoples. At that time, the Sound Systems began to spread, using powerful loudspeakers, which became their own media. So what unites us? In a word: counterculture.

String music “I
was a nine-year-old boy when I was given the double pleat radio Sanyo, which I didn’t know what I was going to bring later. I started recording my own music lists in casetas to capture everything I liked in front of the radio that was spending hours. Twenty-five years later, I have the same illusion, sensitivity and love for music, which is growing every day. I will continue to share that flame with all those who accompany me.”


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