The way science becomes public policy is governed by political and economic calculations, as well as by the moral and ideological commitments of politicians, parties and advisers.” Sociologist Jana Bacevic said this in April 2020 at The Guardian.
We have all been able to see what these moral and ideological commitments consist of: which administrations or governments have suffered the wear and tear, try to neutralize the opposition, pretend that something is being done ... In two words, take care of the chair, even if the word “science” is very present in the mouth.
It was a fear of the beginning, of the disease and of the unknown situation that we did not know how to manage. Then he was followed by tiredness. Finally, it begins to get angry with the authorities who have shown us their firm intention of continuing to make mistakes in their duties.
"The passage of ditxos is nothing more than a slice and a path in medical treatments to contravene the law that the patient has the last word. A really dangerous background."
Measures against Aztiker's COVID-19. Let the counselor read the survey "Opinions and perceptions of Basque citizenship" to find the "keys". Surely it was not expected that citizens would be more attentive to scientists than to their conscience. Because their primary responsibility, as anyone with a minimum dose of meaning would say, in the face of a health problem, is to consolidate the health system.
They are so concerned about our health that the first step was not paying attention. In the style of Dr. House, Sagardui failed to say “stomachs, sicknesses”. Then more restrictive measures and rage. An unfair effort to cover their incompetence, but a new blow to our mental health. This year has been the highest suicide rate ever in the state, but did you know that the greatest increase has occurred in the CAPV? Urkullu yes.
And let me just say a couple of words about the COVID-19 pass. I have friends against vaccines. We have discussed this a great deal. We will never agree and we know that. But I think they're really wrong, but I think forcing and blackmailing is not the much deeper path. And more importantly, the ditxos pass is nothing more than a slice and a path to breaking the law that the patient has the last word in medical treatments. Extremely dangerous background.
The Omikron variant could be seen as a Christmas gift, as a means to increase immunity, a step towards assimilation to other coronaviruses that we capture every year. The infection rate is huge, but most of the time with very mild symptoms. Even more so if we are vaccinated or with this preventive medicine. And if we are, no blackmail.
All this does not mean that we do not have to be vigilant, with effective measures if possible. Above all, however, it indicates that the authorities have to do their job. What did they think they were saying when they were talking about collective immunity or saying that we had to learn to live with the disease? That no one was going to get sick on that road?
Triumphalism is not convenient, but to hide reality and try to intimidate citizens with data of immense contagion, it can make everyone think that, as if we were in the previous situation and the consequences were the same, it responds to very obscure political objectives. Or they're just comfortable in the abuse of authority.
According to the Pandemic article published in the medical journal BMJ, the end of the pandemic will not be retransmitted by the indicators, as we will never reach zero. We will know the end when social life restarts.
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