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The "polemist" Zemmour has been put at the forefront by the media, with the risk of putting a fascist in power

  • Eric Zemmour. On the one hand, the journalist and chronicler who presented himself to the presidents of France is a constant. Presenting as “polemist” those who have fascist reflections and proposals, mainstream media give a huge place. That is the goal of Zemmour himself, even though journalists have positioned themselves as enemies as Donald Trump. The American media must look at the lessons learned from Trump’s continuation to avoid the risk of a fascist coming to power.
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Donald Trumpi was advised by Steve Bannon, Campaign Director, to “cover cocoa in the media field.” Putting the image in concrete words: be as scandalous as possible to occupy the centre of the media. Even though it was across the ocean, Trump's echo came to our country, and we know that this strategy worked, because the far right won the chair of the President of the United States in 2017.

Following the recommendation, Eric Zemmour, a fascist candidate for French presidencies on 10 and 24 April, follows the same line. We have offered him a Nearby Net, because in Iparralde we eat more than we would like during the days, weeks and months that follow his shit.

The fascist is known as “polemist” by the mainstream media that he is bringing to the front line, in the hope that he feels less guilty. The “polemist” is antifeminist, misogynist, racist, xenophobic, homophobic, lesbophobe, transfobe and there is a full test bag. After studying political science, he was a journalist and became popular as a radio and television chronicler in the 2000s, mainly thanks to the television programs On n´est pas couché and Ca is disputed. As a trick, therefore, we have it included on television to the citizens’ lounges.

More than a fascist “polemist”, justice has punished it on more than one occasion: “for causing racial discrimination” in 2011 and “for causing horseshoe with Muslims” in 2018. Its political trajectory is very limited: He said that in 2019 he was a “platform of ideas for the right”, and the group of young people “les amis d’Eric Zemmour” and “Génération Z” that his followers have formed this year. Finally, on 30 November he officially announced his candidature for the presidencies, creating a new aspect of Reconquête [Reconquista]. Points. There's nothing else. Everything else is a mainstream media and precipitate. The last wall to make it difficult to apply: Support for the 500 disputes that potential candidates need in order to be able to present themselves to the presidents, in accordance with French law.

Dangerous journalism game

“The story of a victim of the system is constantly told by Zemmour, making it clear that it is a story censored by good thoughts, politically correct or by the left-wing media. At the same time, the far-right battalion speaker occupying the news is spreading Zemmour’s ideas,” can be read in the Zemmour report, a infernal mediatique piège (“Zemmour, the media cluster of hell”), published by Mediaparte. In his article, Jay Rosen, an expert in the U.S. media, states that Trump’s teams worked closely on the strategy of “covering up the media field,” and from there guides a series of advice to French journalists. “Because there is the hurricane of rhetoric, lies and fun,” he says that we have to rethink the journalistic customs so far: “Don’t think it will work so far, if you treat elections from traditional political journalism, you fall into the canyon. Not everything these demagogues say is extensible, although journalism has been seen from the classical model as a current event.”

The recommendations have been carried by the wind. The Acrimed society, dedicated to the study of the media, has investigated Zemmour’s presence in the media: in September, in a single month, “Zemmour” was cited 4,167 times –139 every day!–; almost all mainstream newspapers and weekly newspapers have offered him the skin – five times the Valeurs actuelles of the far right – and, although he was not a candidate, in twelve times he appeared. There are many broadcasts that public television channels allocate to Zemmour. In the face of this fascist, in the article by Acrimed Médias et extrêmes droites: mais que font les rédactions (“Media and right tips: but on what the redactions work”) it is explained that the critical spirit is scarce of journalists. Dangerous trend for Acrimed: “Faced with this blindness, with the explicit complicity of the directions and the atony of the profession, we need collective responses. We must continue to expand the radical critique of the media system, the functioning of which opens the way to fascist risk.”

However, although Zemmour’s reflection and proposals are dealt with from the critical point of view, it can be read that it brings more benefits in The Trump Playbook Hits France (Trump’s game rules come to France) by The Atlantic: “We still think we’re going to hurt him with pernicious tracking, but we’ve learned from Trump’s attitude that he invests him using in his favor. I would like to draw the attention of the French to the fact that when they see that the criticism is recovered and inserted in their [Zemmour] discourse, then they are in danger and have to rethink the journalistic model.”

This is also advice from Jay Rosen.

This Zemmourization is worrying and the National Journalists Union has also lamented in its resolution of the 103 congress “the Zemmourization of the presidential campaign”, the “frenetic follow-up” of Zemmour and the “disastrous follow-up” of the drafts and directions. In October, 300 journalists signed the column “Journalists will not be complicit in hate.” “We distinguish ourselves from the great patterns of the media,” they say in the text. Because at the base of the problem is also that: The French media are in the hands of ten men with trillions – Bouygues, Xavier Niel, Dassault, Bernard Arnault, Bolloré, Pierre Bergé, Patrick Drahi, François Pinault, Matthieu Pigasse and Lagardère. Their goal is to make money, and the same if the reward is for a fascist to come to power.

At the first meeting on 5 December, Zemmour supporters violently beat the SOS Racism who came to spread the message against racism. They also touched journalists because Zemmour strongly criticizes journalists and encourages resentment against them. Also, of course, Trumpi's stolen tactic.

2021eko abenduaren 26a
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