Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

“To take care of us it is essential to take care of the planet”

  • More than one identifies Lucía Pàmpols Teixidó with the Catalan nickname Greta Thunberg (Corbins, Catalonia, 2012). Concerned about the dirt found on family tours, Lulú Clean Planet has launched a project to organize garbage collections.
"Gure planeta da, beraz, gure etxea izango balitz bezala zaindu beharra dugu. Eta ez gara zaintzen ari". (Argazkia: Dani Codina)
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

When and how was Lulú Clean Planet born?
About a year ago. When we were hiking on the mountain next to my father, we were faced with a lot of dirt. Too much. One day I thought we had to do something, and I suggested to my father that I push some initiative to take care of the environment. At first, we would come together with the father: we would go hiking and take some bags to collect dirt in the backpack. But little by little we realized that it wasn't enough with what we were doing, and we thought we would go further. At first we wanted to create a mobile app, but because it was too expensive, we decided to create the Instagram profile. It was born thus @LuluCleanPlanet. The main goal was to reach more people.

What are your referents?
The truth is, I don't know. Well, I follow Greta Thunberg and I admire what he does. On the other hand, I loved the book Aturem the invasion of Raül Hurtado, José Ibañez and Claudia Mosquera, I have learned many things. For example, I knew that if we accumulated plastic bottles for two hours, we would get to the moon. Imagine!

Do you think you're an environmental activist?
Until recently, I didn't know what being an activist was. But to some extent, I think so. Because I do the things that I like through initiatives of caring for the planet, and I try to raise awareness in favor of caring for the environment. Therefore, I am visualizing issues that would not be dealt with without my contribution….

To what extent is the importance of caring for the environment among people of their age internalized?
Well, there is everything… I would say that a few have become aware, but others have not. It is true that some classmates have participated in the meetings I have organised, have given me the support, but others have not. And the most serious thing is that they keep throwing things to the ground… They happen!

What about adults?
Here too there is everything. In Ran, most of them are more concerned about taking care of themselves than about taking care of the planet. And I think it's essential to take care of the planet because without it we can't live.

And what view does the attitude of companies or people with power deserve?
I find it worrying, because they produce too many plastics. I would always use cardboard logs…

Photo: Dani Codina

How do you organize the collections?To begin with,
we choose the place, identifying the areas where there is a lot of dirt. Then I post a video announcing the Instagram call, specifying date and time. Then we arranged ourselves on the same date and if space is big, we divided ourselves into groups. Once all the dirt is collected, we separate the materials and weigh what is received. Finally, we throw it where it belongs or, if we count on the support of the City Hall, we take it to them to tidy them up.

Does it have the support of public institutions?
I always have the support of my family, and sometimes we have received some punctual help: in some collection the city council has prepared a bag with water and fruit and providing the necessary material for the collection. But we do not normally have the support of public institutions, and we therefore organise it on our own.

To what extent is the commitment of public institutions to environmental protection important?
Your commitment is inexorable, you have something to do with politics, right? They have power and, therefore, they should manage what we do. If we drive out the planet, then they will not be able to have power. Finally, it is your responsibility and, therefore, I believe it is essential that public institutions should also be involved in this environmental awareness.

How do you value the response of people when you organize the collections?
I'm optimistic because people are encouraged. In addition, there are people who have repeated it in different collections. That seems to me to be important. And in addition to what we collect, I see it as decisive that we are creating awareness: more and more people are still doing what we do and perceive interest. I like to see that after the meetings people come home happy.

Do you have any concerted exit now?
The truth is, no. My parents have a lot of work and more considering that Christmas is about to come. However, in view of the possibility of this happening, and in order not to stop the pace of the collection, we have promoted the #LuluCleanChallenge project, in which we sent a letter to different schools to organize the collection exits. Among all the participants we will draw a representation of the company FESTUC Teatre from my parents.

What do you think is the main challenge to take care of the planet?On the
one hand, reduce the generation of plastic and dirt. And on the other hand, don't throw things to the ground and make factories run out of less smoke. But, on top of that, I would say that the important thing is to restore respect among the population, because if we do with others we also contribute to the environment. As the Catalunya CleanUp Challenge project explains, “it is not our house, but it is our planet.” Therefore, we have to take care of it as if it were our home. And we're not taking care of it.

Early activism “I
am Lucia and I am 9 years old. I'm Xavi's sister, we're twins and premature children, but from the very beginning I breathed without help, my father always says I'm a wrestler. I live in the small town of Lleida called Corbins. I'm a normal girl like kids my age and I love nature. The environment is for me a treasure trove, a space where I can breathe clean air while I see animals and trees. That's why my heart and my body ask me to do everything in my hand, a planet that cares as much as it deserves."


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