Bloño's project kicked off thinking it wasn't enough to make a series of four chapters in a year. The directors of Bañolet, besides making the script, the direction, the production and the assembly, decided to make the soundtrack. And more concerts and leaps will come with the soundtrack, the album and the album.
Paxkal Irigoien and Maia Iribarne, very fond of salsa. The soundtrack began to compose at a time of a lot of work. Morning tests and chapter assemblies in the evenings in front of the computer. In this sense, the Qualifying Court. Bañolet is a work performed from pleasure singing, in a natural space for the two musicians.
These songs were composed and recorded at high speed, writing letters on the same day, in study or in the direction of the study. And that's the most amazing thing. For many groups, the work of many years has been carried out for several weeks by the basonavarras, accompanied by the Nicolás Armendariz battery and the lower Allande Etxeberri.
Style? Well, it puts on the website that it's a pop. I don't know, to laugh, or just the popular today. In any case, the mix of styles is quite rich and does not enter into any form. All this is supported by the surreal point of salt that the bajonavarras love so much. Is rarity not a musical style?
Quick Kikerak song with an epic dramatic pause of a movie at the end. In Han we were surprised by the beautiful melody sung by Ane García, which has led me to the Great Gold of the Nest, to the Where is my mind? of Pixies. Eihera song with Iribarne's loop voice. Taking advantage of the Airbnb homophony of Erbiak: Two friends of the hare on fire, bum ba bum ba bum ba bum ba bum!
They say they have defined the spirit of the series and the album with the word “absurd”. Always from games. They feel confusion between absurd and poetic. The position cannot be better described. Because the above-mentioned rarity is by no means an attitude of sustenance, a pride to differentiate itself from it and from here, but a manifesto of union with small animals of land and ponds, reptiles and nocturnal.
The Iribarne-Olhagaran have spent a good year on us. With the groups Diabolo Kiwi, Habia and Bloñati, the sisters Leire and Maia have edited the three most special albums of the year, each on their way, expanding a wide source of music. Pending 2022.
P.D. : You can only listen to it in Badok, Spotify or bandcamp. Or you can buy one of these old CDs, where you can play them. By the way, the Bañolet series has won the 2021 Durango Fair Creativity Scholarship and is expected to be visible in March.
Kutixik Non
Festival: In the Casa de Cultura de Intxaurrondo, in San Sebastián.
When: 26 October.
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Opera groups Don Pasquale de
Donizetti: OSE and Bilbao Opera Choir.
Soloists: S. Orfila M.J. Moreno, F. Demuro, D. Del Castillo, P.M. Sánchez.
Stage Director: Emiliano Suárez.
Scenography Alfons Flores.
Place: Euskalduna Palace
Date: 19 October.
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