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Fear of fear

Argazkia: Iñigo Basaguren-Duarte
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Someone screams inside the room, yells inside the head. There are six people in the rooms and halls of a building, fleeing from each other, talking about each other. Six people staring at lions without being able to go out into the street. Fear is the most repeated idea and word in this audiovisual work entitled Mugurdiak Lugorriak. Izaro Ieregi (Algorta, 1987) presented on 10 December Me Cabezo, Me Collar, in the exhibition Te ombligo, in the Casa de Cultura Romo. Upload the audiovisual work to the Vimeo platform. Both can be seen until 30 December.

Raspberries in Lugorri
When: 10 December
Where: Casa de Cultura de Romo

It is a collective work, elaborated and completed among the participants. Izaro Ieregi organised four workshops in July which were part of the project. In these four sessions, they reflected on body and fear, danced and worked on sheet music. The result of this collective work is the film Mugurdiak Lugorri, in which monologues and interviews are presented among the six members who have participated in the workshops and written their texts. After the film they have performed a performance in the same room where the exhibition is exposed. Again, we've talked about four to five people, both in monologues and in conversations. And what do these six beings talk about? What, in that closed room? About fear, but not just. They have spoken to each other and addressed the viewer.

Photo: Iñigo Basaguren Duarte

In these times when the world seems to have to collapse, we've spent more time than ever with our heads and our bodies, with our ghosts and our fears. With our shame and ailments. All this has prevented us from making progress on many occasions. And we want to move forward, even if it's sometimes possible to stop. Our intrinsic ghosts, all of our selves, remind us of the contradictions of our character. When we say we're not afraid, another one of our selves will remind us that we're all afraid. When we want to be brave, we're embarrassed. We will be too strong with ourselves, we will repeat that the world is made only for the strongest. Within us are all our weaknesses and on our skin we have tattooed the scars of our wounds, all the pain that social violence has caused against our bodies. We have put in the backpack the roles that have touched us, the behaviors that are required of us and, often, the garbage of others. We carry the burden of each other's ghosts.

All of this, and more, human beings have been told by viewers that they couldn't leave that room. Rather than obeying the judges we have in our brains in the face of a collapse that seems inevitable, we have been shown that dancing is an option. Or to be floating, with the bodies standing and hand, quiet, without worrying if we have scales. Living the present.

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