You say it round: “Your children see porn” Is it better to accept it from the beginning?
According to studies, kids start to see pornography at age 6, and it's hard to find an 18-year-old who has never seen porn. A quarter of adolescents have consumed 10,000 hours to be 18 years of age. The consumption of porn is widespread and normalized. I say this to the parents. “Your children will see porn, yes or yes.” And also, what you see is violent porn, with high doses of violence against women and children. This is a clockwork pump that bursts us: sexual desire is a powerful motivation for the human being and if working poorly causes pain and suffering. Sexual assaults and violent behaviors among young people are increasing. And it's not the only factor, but the consumption of violent porn is directly related to it.
Digital society has a lot to do with that, right?
Of course. If in my day it was pornography, the porn magazines came in opaque bags, there were cinemas X and Canal Plus gave movies. Pornography has always existed: there are paintings from millions of years ago, because man has always sought sexual stimulation. It has been changing with the development of the technique: printing, photography, film... But the current one is a revolution. The Internet opens the door. I tell my parents: Any child with a mobile phone connected to the Internet will meet with porn, as the industry foresees it: algorithms will look for young people to hunt, to become consumers and dependents. Dependence is one of the most noticeable consequences of consuming porn and has a great impact on health.
Use the category "Pornographic children". What to call? Pornographic
children are those who have learned sex almost exclusively through violent porn. There is a lack of sex education that contrasts with the powerful influence of pornography. This has consequences: these children in adulthood can suffer emotional, affective and sexual disorders: addictions, brain alterations related to sensitivity, consumption of prostitution, higher consumption of drugs and alcohols and, above all, inadequate sexual practices at an age. Porn alternately poses vaginal penetration, anal penetration and nozzle, without condom. Children perceive it as a guide and try to imitate it, because it is their only model. Conclusion: a disaster.
How can you avoid it if you can avoid it?
Avoiding it is very difficult because the porn industry is very powerful and there is no control. All you can do is train families and school. The challenge is to give porn competence, a different model of attitudes and behaviors it offers. Parents should speak of sex positively to children, relating it to health, affection, responsibility and mutual agreement. Sexuality is a positive aspect and has nothing to do with violence. But porn systematically offers violence.
What happens is that parents don't talk. Why?
We live in a culture that has not been able to take sexuality in a healthy way. From generation to generation, each one has adapted as it could. At home there is no talk about issues that interest young people: sexual pleasure, masturbation, porn. Parents don't know what to do because they haven't taught them either. It's hard to compete with porn because it gives pleasure, and sexual pleasure is key to understanding all of this. It reinforces what you see.
Is there any other kind of resistance? Politicians, let's say. The
Plaza de Navarra is difficult because there are groups that defend different models of sex education, face to face. Those who oppose talking about scientific and professional sex education at school and in families defend the traditional model of silence, sin, risk. I distinguish between pornographic and erotic movies. But there are totally opposite groups (the Church, the right, the traditional feminist movement…) and supporters of any kind of porn (industry, consumers, liberal feminist movement, queer movement…). They're in front of each other, who controls sex, and I'm in between, kicking all sides. All societies have tried to rigorously control sex to control the population. Today, too, there is such competition. Meanwhile, our children continue to learn from porn.
Is there good porn?
It's an interesting debate. Human beings need a stimulus for sexual desire for biological reasons. There are some kinds of movies, books or comics that have that mission and that awaken desire. OK. But that has nothing to do with a violent film. This is like equating tequila with alcohol-free beer. I don't like the word pornography, it's loaded ideologically and morally. I distinguish it between erotic movies and violent content. In adolescence it is normal to masturbate watching porn, there are other resources that need it, but that do not consume that violent porn totally machista and misogynist. Parents have a big dilemma: either porn, or they. They have to decide the sexual future of their children.
Young people start consuming pornography before, as porn is their only sex education. How on earth have we come here?
Today, it has to be acknowledged that thanks to the Internet it is much easier to see pornography. Unfortunately, through a click, the 7-9 year-old boy comes to... [+]
Pornography has been the subject of debate for decades and much of the debate has been a moralistic and alarming view of adult society. However, it is time to question this narrow view and to understand pornography from a broader and more precise perspective.
Firstly,... [+]
In the digital age, we have more and more examples of how technology affects human intimacy and alarming phenomena are occurring. Last synthetic pornography not accepted. This term refers to manipulating images or videos through artificial intelligence. To create pornographic... [+]
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Some mock people who give money to non-governmental organisations (NGOs). On the other hand, it is not elegant to extend to the four winds that set aside a small portion of your charitable wage, so an easy position is not defended. Well, I'm going to cheer: I think, naive, that... [+]
Pornography is a criminal, profoundly misogynistic, racist and paedophile industry fueled by violence against women and girls. It is enormously powerful: according to some estimates, business moves EUR 87.5 billion. But it's no wonder that pornographic websites have more monthly... [+]