'Coses estranyes, ja ja ja ja ja. The squid's joc, kar kar. I'll be laughing! Indeed, what are you asking for the series to be produced also in Catalan or in Basque, when in the emptied countries they do not have fiber? ". Translated: perhaps you are too foolish to see your egoism, but don’t you know if the fibers have not reached the peoples of Spain that have been emptied, or because you are asking for people to produce the series in Catalan or in Basque?
Harrapazank! The person should feel at the tip of the upper branch on the power scale, without shame to pull sizes on the RNE or SER radios. What’s more, you have to take them out of size to laugh at the joke. “Ei, txo, what wind has hit you? They're humor programs, nothing else. It’s time to learn to laugh at ourselves!”
What wind do you say? Galder González highlighted in one blow the trick of discourse on social networks: “While some people struggle to reach the Internet to all the peoples of their country, others struggle not to starve to death in a small village in Somalia. Priority account. / Have you noticed how easy it is to do demagogy?” Well, that's it. I don't know what to say about the laughter that has caused the Catalan recitation of American and/or adaptive series titles, is so irritating...
Demagogy. Supremacism. A discourse that is more easily assimilated with the disguise of humor, as a sign of the triumph of an agent with more resources to impose it. “Humor is political mediation,” the sociologist Uxua Anduaga told us at ARGIA: “Humor is purely social, something that is learned and reproduced, that is constantly being built, that is far from natural or natural and that has the capacity to influence society. There is no white, dumb or docile humor, because it always transmits judgment, the valuation between the right and what is not.”
And now, a part of the Spanish-speaking community, which has a great presence in the media, is telling us that it is not good to ask for the series to be produced in Catalan or in Basque, that there are other priorities – the traditional motto of the usual refrain – that we should not be selfish, that we should not impose on the nationalist whims – as we see in Navarre the III – that we should apply the demands of lamination and lamination. Humor is an effective resource to strengthen authority, as through it the personal position in the pyramid is strengthened. Even more so.