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Cuidemos, but no budget

Gipuzkoako zaharren egoitzetako langile grebalariak Donostian egindako mobilizazioetako batean, pasa den urrian (irudia: @erresidentziak)
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

They say that the PNV has left the negotiations to bring more money to the TAV by the time of the vote in the Spanish Senate. On this occasion, it is expected that the train will be incorporated into the capitals, along with the metro that the citizens do not need in San Sebastian, the Supersur that almost nobody uses in the area of Bilbao... the companies always have their benefits insured for years.

In the meantime, the struggle of the carers does not stop, even if they are not given the resonance they deserve and deserve – that the strike of the metal of Cadiz seems to have more attachment and impact. To improve the service in nursing homes, to dignify the sector with territorial agreements, to improve the conditions of cleaning personnel... All of them are struggles towards another system.

In the 2022 budgets, don't talk about caregivers' needs, no commitment, no funding. They say it's budgets against the crisis, but there's nothing about the care crisis. Neither in the agreements reached in Madrid nor for Navarra nor for the CAPV.

The carers have shown us that we need a new system of surveillance and fight against the struggle. Both in the feminist movement and in the Basque unions, the system is being considered and discussed to ensure care, to share the responsibilities and tasks of care among all and to improve the living conditions of the caregivers.

Fine words have not been lacking in the institutions. But? The management of the Basque public surveillance system will be the result of a whole path. They have lost a unique opportunity to show that they are willing to drive and channel this path also from the institutions. It does not take too much money to get the road going, but it does take the political will to focus care.

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