Few people waited for the result a few hours earlier. Susanna Salter herself knew the same day she was among the candidates. Salter was a member of the WCTU (Union of Christian Women by the Mesura), advocating for female suffrage and a ban on alcohol. But she didn't show up as a candidate for mayor, even though a few weeks earlier women got the right to vote in Kansas city elections and be eligible; she would have to wait 32 more years to enlarge her right across the United States.
Salter's candidacy was jokingly presented by a group of men who opposed women's political participation. Salter would not get a vote and, therefore, women, humiliated, would lose the courage to stand for political office.
At that time the lists were not published until the morning of the elections, and that was when Susanna herself, the WCTU and the members of the Republican Party of the people, knew that they could vote in favour of Salter. The Republicans sent a delegation to Salter's house and, according to historian Patricia Grimshaw, "when asked if she was willing to be mayor in the event of her win, she answered affirmatively. In the face of Salter’s desire, or perhaps because that group of men questioned the legitimacy of the electoral process, the Algerian Republicans decided to vote in favour of women.” The members of the WCTU took the same decision.
Susanna Salter worked for a year as Mayor, failing to stand in the next elections, receiving compensation of one dollar for the exercise of his office. Once, the newspaper The New York Sun sent a reporter to Argonia. The journalist described the mayor's dress and hat in detail and praised his respectful style. In addition, Salter was a skilled and showy mayor, keen to make short and effective meetings, who did not accept barbarism.
So Susanna Salter was the first mayor of the United States for a year, because some men had a wrong joke. And after over 130 years, Kamala Harris has just been president of the first working woman in the United States for 85 minutes colonoscopy to a man.
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