In December last year we published in the report “Nazi business in Euskal Herria” relevant information about a German couple living in Markina-Xemein. In the large mansion of Wilhelm Mallet and Ruth Adams, the Nazis fueled after the Second World War and sheltered in the Basque Country during the Franco regime met, including the commander and engineer of the Nazi party Otto Skorzeny SS. Following a special mission during the war, Skorzeny negotiated with the owners of the gun factory Esperanza and Cia de Markina-Xemein, along with Mallet.
Due to the secrecy and secrecy they kept in the house where they were known as Bekobenta, the information remains very scarce, but since the issue rises to the surface, the old German affairs of the past return to the streets of Markina-Xemein. This now brings us to account for another surprising testimony that we received a few years ago.
Who was the driver of Mallet?
In the house of Mallet and Adams abound, in addition to the German couple III. In Reich, important charges were brought by citizens who suspect or claim that the Nazis lived. And we're not just talking about Otto
Skorzeny.El a woman's testimony has been key to following that trail. Today a widow – we are not going to give her name here – her husband was a mechanic and the Germans called her home many times to repair the elegant and spectacular Mercedes-Benz black car that Mallet had. The woman still remembers very well what she had to say about what she had seen there.
While the mechanic arranged the car, Mallet related to him, but also to the employees of the house, with a minimum of twelve people in the service, in the kitchen... According to this, among the workers there was one, the driver, who had a special relationship with Mallet. As he changed the screws and the old pieces, he discovered that the man who was supposedly a laborer, someone was important in the hierarchy of those who lived in him. Mallet always took it with great respect: it was not normal for the gentleman at home to make more gestures to the worker, rather than the other way around... When the mechanic looked at the face of the mysterious stranger or walked past, the man leaned his head or looked at the other, as if he wanted esconderla.Cuando he would go home after his work, told his wife with nervousness what he thought and she was convinced that in that house
Martin Bormann lived. I was so sure that, today, our witness remains convinced that if her husband had life he would continue to secure the same.
Bormann, the deputy to Hitler,
was one of the most important characters of the Nazi hierarchy Bormann, the head of the Reich Chancellery and the personal secretary of Hitler, the side of the Fhürer. He came to control all the appointments and internal affairs of the German Government and was the main political signatory of the anti-Semitic laws. After the war, when the inabsenti of Nuremberg was judged, which he was not, the prosecution said that he was fully involved in the planning of the “Last Solution”, which sought Jewish and Polish extermination, and condemned him to hanged death, even if he could not enforce that punishment.
In 1972, after explaining some bones in Berlin, they were found to be Bormann's. The story ends there, but not the mystery.
On 30 April 1945, a few days before Berlin fell into the hands of the Soviets, Bormann seems to witness Hitler’s suicide, even though what happened in the bunker under the Chancellor is not entirely clear – he himself pulled out the dead body of Eva Braun from the room, along with Hitler. Shortly afterwards he left the bunker and tried to escape the city. Those who accompanied him said that he was unable to survive from Berlin. Artur Axmann’s testimony at the head of Hitler’s Youth is clear and most important: the Nazi authority died on the night of 2 May, along with the railroad leading to the Lehrter station in Berlin, due to the Soviet artillery. Also in the interrogations and trials carried out by the allies, most of the soldiers around Bormann declared dead. There is therefore no doubt.
However, intelligence services like OSS-CIA or Mosad spent many years trying to follow the trail of genocide. Why? The information was scarce and several Nazi hunters said that Bormann might escape from Berlin.
The bones of 1972,
in the 1950s, Martin Bormann's name spread all over the world. Many people called the police or contacted the intelligence services saying they saw him. Argentina, Paraguay, Brazil, Mexico, Egypt, Spain... Those who claimed to have seen it in Borman were not few. It's not surprising this fever, which was one of the most wanted people in the world until the early 1970s. On the radio and in magazines sensationalist programs and articles repeatedly reported their possible places of residence. But they never found it
vivo.En 1972, after locating and identifying some bones in an area of the Berlin building, it was discovered that they were owned by Bormann.El a place where the fingerprints appeared coincided with the
location of their death in post-war interrogations. Bones had the same height and characteristics as Bormann. After rebuilding his face it is confirmed that he was, and for so many years the criminal Nazis was declared dead. So?
Bormann's story ends there, but not the mystery. When they reinvestigated their skull in 1988, the German experts realized that it was covered in a colorful land, and they said it had to be recorded. What is more, it seems that this type of soil could not be found in Berlin, but only in an area of Paraguay. Therefore, one of the most curious hypotheses has been that Bormann was hidden in South America and Francoist Spain, and that after his death they returned to Berlin to end the unknown caso.La of the photo, under the hypothesis of Hypotheses, we have also talked with other interlocutors with the Germans of
to try to find out more. And when one of them teaches us some old photographs, the questioning sign of the doubt reappears, in a playful way, in all of this: in a photo there is a man like Martin Bormann, with features similar to the face and the face. The photo is taken at the back of the German house, between 1955 and 1965, and according to his interlocutor, that unknown man was the driver of Wilhelm Mallet, supposedly from Madrid, who was the third driver since the German businessmen settled in Markina-Xemein in 1950.
In the chalet, on-call dogs and the three-meter stone wall allowed their owners and their “special” friends to move with total discretion. The surface was 27,000 square meters and the stone wall surrounding it was glued in the cemeteries with broken crystals. In 1965, when Mallet died, his supposed partner of his then, Ruth Adams, who died a few years earlier due to a strange accident, quickly burned a lot of documents outside the house. One of the workers remembers that moment: he saw huge flames and was smoking a lot of files inside.
Who was Malett's driver? It will be no more than a coincidence, but once we start playing in the field of mystery, perhaps Martin Bormann did not die in Berlin… who knows. In any case, this history allows us to continue to investigate the real presence of the Nazis in the Basque Country and the black legend of the Germans of Bekobenta, who still lives in Markina-Xemein.
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