“Elorrio was a man of bad history,” according to Antonio María Labaien (1898-1994), “a champion who lasted seven years of war and was proclaimed lieutenant. The old resentment against Muñagorri, driven by his personal hatred and cruelty, appeared in Zumarraga with a few soldiers and, surprised Muñagorri, betrayed him on the Pilotasoro.”
Born in Berastegi in 1794, in spite of the scribe studies such as grandfather and father, Muñagorri was mainly dedicated to the business of the ferrerials and the construction of infrastructure in 1833, when the First Carlist War broke out. I was concerned about the cessation of the war, but also about the damage that the conflict was dragging on in Euskal Herria. And with the goal of peace, he made a dangerous trip to Madrid in the winter of 1837. With the clandestine support of the then liberal government of Madrid, in 1838 he wrote a harsh letter to Don Carlos asking him to leave Euskal Herria, he extended a letter to Navarros and Gipuzkoans to take one side of the strife and peace, and commissioned a series of verses that spread immediately in an act of effective propaganda: “Pakea ta fueroak / is our flag. & '97; Our dear brothers /atozte onera, / navarros, alabesas, / giputz, bizkaitarras, / atozte guregana / gazte eta zarrak,” the first verse said.
If the forces were respected, this claim basically consisted of the Basques being equated with Isabel or Don Carlos, even though Muñagorri himself moved in favor of the liberals on the banner of neutrality.
And following the white flag that said “Paz y Fueros”, in his native town, he drove the uprising of Berastegi in 1838. If the forces were respected, this claim basically said that the Basques were equated by Isabel or Don Carlos, even though Muñagorri himself moved in favor of the liberals under the banner of neutrality. Apparently, the scribe approached the liberals during his studies, so he had to live between the "enemy" wars, since Berastegi and his surroundings were mainly Carlists. Although some considered Muñagorri's adventure brave and lonely, before going to Madrid he had also gathered sponsorships between exiled liberals in Baiona, Carlist leaders killed by the war and many representatives of the Gipuzkoa Council. But he didn't get enough material protection when he attacked, and the uplifting failed. Muñagorri fled to Ipar Euskal Herria.
And yet this idea of differentiating the dynamic conflict from the struggle for strife had some influence on the Bergara Convention (1839). When peace was attained and supposedly linked to the strife, Muñagorri returned to his ferreria in Zumarraga.
But when Spartero left the courts, several foralists rose up against him in October 1841. It is not clear whether Muñagorri participated in the uprising. As already mentioned, Labaien did not believe that he was among the rebels and accused his death of personal conflicts. Other sources, such as Pablo Gorosabel, claim that he participated and was therefore retaliated for. Benito Pérez Galdós collected it in his National Episodes: “Dallo’s priest and scribe Muñagorri immediately gathered their matches and traveled through the hills and mountains to assassinate the liberals.”
Under the assumption that Peace and Exiles did not leave the leader of the movement alone, even after the loss of the excerpts.
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