The Spanish Government has decided to raise the base salary. A slight rise, and because the employer has been left out of the picture, it cannot be said to be a courageous step. The Basque trade unions have criticised the rise, it is not enough with the local economic reality, and they have made us more expensive than that life. They denounce that it has been agreed between Madrid and its agents. In Hego Euskal Herria we went out to the streets in favour of a base salary of EUR 1,200, there we have placed the minimum, and the requirement is not on that dialogue table, even as a final objective, which in their opinion is basic, EUR 1,059.
Account must be taken of the scant revolt of the employers of Navarre and the CAV, as well as of the members and advisers accompanying them. They are not more generous, it is not a matter of respect, nor of concern for precariousness and the spread of poverty. This rise will hardly have any effect here. In most agreements wages are higher. And it's easy, very easy to pay below the base salary, for example since overtime has been allowed in part-time work. Precariousness has undermined the basic wage and not only because of its small amount. In the formal labour market there is enough precariousness to become a mere formality, and that is where steps must be taken to make them productive without the authorisation of the employer.
The fundamental issue lies in the non-formal labour market, in an area where recognition of basic labour rights and annual improvement would be genuinely effective. The Association of Household Employees has denounced that 9 out of 10 people working inside the household do not receive the basic wage, while only 4 of those working abroad receive it. As you know, most women. The issue is not an empty one, every time the improvements formally achieved exclude those who work in the non-formal space, there is a greater rupture between us.
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