There may be a lot of ways to make film reviews. It is not easy for me to make the parts of the comment, as they taught us little: introduction, arguments, background, conclusion... Either the conclusions eat me in the initial introduction, or as the arguments escape me, or I run out of flesh for the end. It's not the most orderly form, but as absurd as distinguishing form and content is to think that ethics and aesthetics can be spread out. It is true that to make a comment on the programming of the Festival I would have to watch all the movies, or take out and statistically fulfill the legitimacy percentage, this is not my case. However, I am convinced that, from what I have seen, I can explain that fewer stories have been thrown away that are unusual, and write notes for possible scripts, to represent films that no one is going to make.
I imagine a woman who has spent all the money in the game. White hair, appearance of an old woman, discrete clothing. He would be the neighbour of Bortziriak and newly indebted at the casino in Lesaka. In the village, of course, nobody can know anything. Even less so the children and grandchildren who dream of their heritage, especially them, could not know anything. It is not an impossible story, it is not something new; the lost marriages in the family are known. But they're also not visible accounts. Game hobbies of women who want to enjoy while living instead of donating money to their heirs, non-Christians. That could be Casino.
Now we can move on to a second script. I would imagine a child who, with his cousin, secretly, is finding the edges of sexuality. The game of nudity, the wise innocence, the first steps to get away from parents. Those who, without knowing what they are doing, by chance keep it secret. Until they are imprisoned... and until a father who has not been able to accept what he has lived in his skin, with great anger, destroys everything. Or until it takes you to reflect on your own experiences, if you're lucky.
And the other, the fantasy, or the documentary: the same thing after all. I could imagine a homosexual man, an expert in medicinal plants, a witch. The man will poison his boss, giving him the mixture of various herbs with food, inspired by the cyanides of Sara Montiel. It would not be a new issue at all: the testimonies of the vendetta that several women have received after being beaten by the man remain secret. However, they have not yet been mentioned.
They are all real and unreal. They're not implausible because they can happen or because we can't connect with them. It's because they're rare forms of storytelling. They don't exist because they're not mentioned, because they're secret, but they exist in our thoughts. I'd like to put a mission to every movie that's built: that's not possible, that's amazing. Let us get out of the usual areas and put a copy for the transformation of other worlds.