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Live music for many years

Argazkia: Musika zuzenean

20 September 2021
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

To celebrate that Musika Zuzenean has performed 150 programs at Hamaika Telebista, what better than offering live music. Organized at the Kafe Antzokia of San Sebastian, the last day on which it is forbidden to dance at the CAV. Ginger and Rodeo do not dance, but with a dose of decibels.

When: 17 September
Where: Doka Theatre in San Sebastian

The Sarauztarras Ginger have been the kings of the night for their premiere. Composed of people who had previously worked in the Mor More or Pottors and Klito groups, they carried the nervousness of the first concert, but helped to see Doka full of Zarauztarras. All friends, and all for, therefore.

Therefore, nervousness has not cooled the environment. With a punk rhythm and attitude that I hadn't listened to long ago, going through more melodic and hardcortical moments, they have offered a live and joyful life, full of comical smiles.

“The world is asleep, but it doesn’t matter anymore, if the night doesn’t come into your pocket,” Nerea Altxu starts singing peacefully. Once the stanza is finished and the distortion of the guitar is opened, the public shouts loud and shouts, inserting the battery and starting to give it wood. Noise is a tradition in veins, you know.

Jone Azkoaga has followed with a riff reminiscent of Itoiz finely agitating the elegant SG, but instead of going to pop with punk base: “Labana always close, if it comes he slipped.” Andrea Lopetegi, who was at Mor More, holds the bass firmly together with the Gorka Larrañaga battery.

Photo: Live music

When Altxu releases the guitar, he shows his dotes well on his frontwoma. Besides songs and telones, he brings out the pleasure of dance, demonstrating that you have to enjoy the stage. They have beaten the song they had recorded in favor of the Gaztetxe Putzuzulo, but more quickly and more forcefully. The proximity of the derrib, perhaps because of the emotions. Near Kashbad: “To be me, to be you, to be us, an Amets factory.”

The room, full of canutillos, has been a concert supported by the community. Alphabet writers, designers, friends -- nobody wanted to miss Ginger's gorgeous debut. A pity that has been very short. Your first job is on the road and you're looking forward.

And speaking of community, in addition to the 150 programs by Musika Zuzenean, in the new course they've released the new website. Platform that brings together all the concerts of Euskal Herria, always open to new proposals. It is one of the most important portals that drives the underground scene in our country. & '97; For many years, therefore, live music!



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