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Give broccoli to sadness

Tristuraren gaitza duen piperra, piper alaien artean.
Tristuraren gaitza duen piperra, piper alaien artean.

09 September 2021

Lombardy has health. Take care of our health: According to the latest hopeful studies, there are more and more safe tests, we have one of the best allies to prevent different cancers. This capacity is apparently due to the glucosinate that makes up it.

The Azatarras belong to the extended family Brassicaceae, which brings together over 4,000 species. Includes cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capata), cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. sabauda), radish cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. gongylodes), cauliflower and romanesco (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis, broccoli (Brassica oleracea var). italica), cabbage lombarda (Brassica oleracea var. capitata f. rubra), col Brussels (Brassica oleracea var. gemmifera), suletino or forage col (Brassica oleracea var. viridis), street (Brassica oleracea var. sabellica), mustard (Sinapis alba, Brassica juncea, Brassica nigra), rocket (Diplotaxis tenuifolia), radish (Raphanus sativus), white turnip (Raphanus sativus var). longipinnatus), canberra or crexu water (Nasturtium officinale), horseradish (Armoracia rusticana), wasabi (Eutrema japonicum), etc.

Are you sad about the short winter day? If you want to enjoy the winter with the people of cabbage and take care of yourself, hurry up, come the last hill to plant yourself. Otherwise, you’ll have to eat each other’s cabbages. For those who want to take away the sadness, there is the banana wherever and whenever they want (Musa spp. ), with dopamine, an excitant of the central nervous system.

Sadness seems to be a widespread thing. It doesn't just rub us. Bell pepper (Capsicum annuum) also suffers. Gajo! Sadness of grief is an increasingly widespread disease.

A fungus engoth the bell pepper: Phytophtora capsici. Mushrooms of this genus are found on the ground and attack all kinds of plants. The name Capsici is intended for peppers. The pepper plant will be introduced into the land at any time in its life of a few months: in the nursery, newly planted or mute of fruit. It is introduced by small roots or by the union of roots and trunk in the earth's crust. Black scars may appear on the trunk, but the most obvious symptom is that the plant was completely wounded, without it being moored. The aggression of the fungus and the pact of the plant are the most frequent sources of a saturated soil or an unbalanced fertiliser. Drowning creates an environment favorable to aquatic fungi. If there is an overdose of nitrogen that promotes growth in fertilization but provides weaker outbreaks, the fungus will be easily inserted into the most delicate tissues and mengels of the plant. And the plant is over, there's nothing to do, there's no treatment. When the pepper lover sees the plant sad and absurd, he thinks it's going to lack water and water even more, making the problem worse. If you look at a sad plant, it's taken out of the ass and burned in it.

There and here we are trying to prevent depression of the bell pepper and using broccoli as the right solution. It has been concluded that in spring, where the bell pepper should be put, in the previous autumn-winter, broccoli and, to a lesser extent, with the cauliflower or the cabbage have less sadness. Apparently, they release substances that delay the fungus and “biofumigate” the earth. The bell pepper has a friend against sadness, the broccoli.

Broccoli slows down our cancer, but the sadness that feels so widespread?

2024-09-13 | Euskal Irratiak
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Body to Sight, Tabular Wound


WHEN: 31 August.

WHERE: Plaza 23 de September.


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