When did the Loregorri project emerge?
A year and several months ago, we took the first step to publicize the activity, but before I had the idea of dancing in my head. The dream was the seed of the project I had when I was in Argentina.Pero wanted to develop it in Euskal Herria, and fortunately it is happening.
What is Loregorri?In our
opinion, it is a great project that encompasses different elements. High, we need the legs on the floor. Our initial goal was to create content around the rule, but not in any case. For our part and in Euskera. Knowledge already exists, there are many things written and they are known. Sharing this knowledge with us, with our experiences, experiences and reflections is the path we want to go. Thus, we conducted workshops for reflection and sharing.
However, our workshops are not exhibition spaces. We create a space for dialogue about the cyclical and menstrual character, where everyone is free to express what they feel, to share concerns, to pose questions and, of course, to contribute knowledge. Feeling comfortable in this caring and welcoming space is fundamental, and we believe that when working horizontally trust is generated quickly and that the process is much more fruitful.
It is true that all this remains in the ideas. In short, in theory. So we decided to make compresses. That first lockdown really caught us in this last step. A few days before, knowing what could come, we ran various tests, bought fabrics and started working with compresses.
What knots do you see in the workshops?
In particular, the topic leaves taboo to the plaza. To that public space that we created together. When you talk about your own experience and feel heard, knowing how special it is to talk about this issue in society, we feel a kind of "magic." What has so far been individual becomes collective only by sharing it. The loads are alleviated and one proposes "when I am with the rule I do this", or the other says "I do this to reconcile with that part of my body". I would say we came out with a tribal feeling. Because we have shared and listened.
When we talk about the rule, we still use four topics… In the public
space, yes. The pain, the "red" or "special" days, the bad mood… In addition, these topics are not created by women and I would say that we do not reproduce them ourselves. We are being told in a pessimistic way. Menstruation is neglected. However, I would say that we have started to speak slowly. It is true that the red panties are on the table. We're always afraid to dirty clothes. We've been taught to change clothes as soon as we sleep our pants. We're menstrual bodies, and that can't be hidden. It is time to leave without shame.
Have you been able to work with
teens?We have worked especially with adult menstrual bodies, but since the ikastola Umaro de Oiartzun we were proposed to work with 9 and 10 year olds. They were very nice sessions, different for us, because at that age the rule has not yet appeared and they talk about another experience. Before we start, we ask everyone about the rule, what it is for them, how they imagine with the rule ... Each one made their fears and their doubts visible. And being so young, you see huge burdens. Relating menstruation to dirty, for example, pain, discomfort… They are already infected.
Do non-menstrual bodies also have something to do?
In this case, I would say "respect and listen." And let each of you look for your strategies to help you along that path.
Have we become accustomed to using reusable compresses?
When we started this work, the purpose of the pads was to extract something material from the theory that we worked on. We started very slowly, with very small production. We were surprised at the reception we had. People who are encouraged are usually from the age of 25. The compress should be washed manually, so its relationship with the body changes. It goes with an approval. The rule is part of you. The rule is that we're fine and healthy. Also, from nature care, discourses are changing, albeit slowly.
What would you say to someone who is tired of using reusable pads?
I would tell him to start slowly. It is important to start a healthy relationship with menstruation before buying. Touch, talk about it, share. If it disgust you, it's because you don't accept it. The first thing to do, therefore, is to put an end to that. We have to start from being pushed into disgust, without feelings of guilt. The key is that more than reading great theories is for everyone to know their own body.
Imagine that in some association of this kind, a newly incorporated girl naively proposes to put herself in the bathroom, just like the toilet paper, pads or tampax. And that the member who takes care of toilet paper is totally affected by the question of whether the compress... [+]
Odola dario literaturari artikuluan euskal literaturan hilekoak bete izan duen tokiari erreparatu genion, aztertzeko nola irudikatua izan den. Artikulu haren segida da honakoa, baina fokua pixka bat zabalduta: testuaz gain irudiak ere barne hartzen dituzten lanei erreparatuko... [+]
- You come, aunt? “The swimsuit in the dress asked me and the floats with flowers in their arms.
- Yeah. I have to spend some time in the bathroom and I kindly answer him.
- I'll help you! “We went up the stairs.
I got the dress. Blur. Sit down the toilet. My nephew... [+]