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EH Bai gets the second round card in seven songs

Seven of the twelve cantonments in the continental Basque Country will compete on 27 June with left-wing nationalists: Hendaia Hegoko Itsas Bazterra (first force in EH Bai with 29.3% of the votes), Donibane Lohizune (with 39%), Bidaxune-Amikuze-Oztibar (with a second force of 24.5%), Uztaritze-Errobi-Urdazuri (with 27.9%). In Hendaia the competitor will be the one on the left, but in all others the one on the right.

Since the leftist nationalists got the first councillor at departmental level twenty years ago (Jean-Mixel Galant), Alain Iriarte also won the seat in 2008 and 2015, becoming vice-president of the college to prevent the accumulation of positions he devolved in 2017. In the competition of the second round we will have to look closely above all Bidaxune-Amikuze-Oztibarre; Hendaia, South Coast; Uztaritze-Errobi. Participation, however, plays an important role and can lead to surprises.

It should be noted that abstention was the main winner: It has been 61.2% in the department of the Atlantic Pyrenees that brings together the Northern Basque Country and the Bearne. Compared to the 2015 elections, the turnout has been reduced by 14 points.

Historically, the department of the Atlantic Pyrenees has almost always been on the right: only the left led the 2009-2015 mandate. On 27 June the right centre should win again. We have to see if the president so far Jean-Jacques Lasser (52.5% in the first round) once again wins the votes... EH Yes, with a result of 24.5% of the first round and with the support of the candidates Michele Doyhenart and Lucien Betbeder who have called to vote in favour of the left in the second round (14.4%).

You are interested in the channel: Ipar EH-ko politika
Didier Borother, former mayor of Biarritz dies
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Euskal herriarentzat nolako Estatu bat nahi dugu?

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The history of the barrier

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Iñaki Echaniz, winner of the fourth district
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Wall to the far-right, also in Iparralde

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The left triples the distance to the far-right in Iparralde
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2024-06-30 | Estitxu Eizagirre
District 4: Iñaki Etxaniz, from the New Popular Front, winner for the first time, and the extreme right for the second time
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Hundreds of people meet in Baiona against the far right
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2024-06-13 | Euskal Irratiak
Mixel Esteban hautetsi ekologista
“Ekologia ez da modan, gure bozkak alderdi sozialistara joan dira”

Bigarrenetik seigarren postura erori da Berdeen alderdia Ipar Euskal Herrian, Europar legebiltzarreko hauteskundeetan. 2019ko hauteskundeen datuekin alderatuta, 10.000 boz galdu dituzte; hots, %17tik %7ra pasa dira.

The extreme right of Le Pen wins in Iparralde
The National Union has been imposed in most of the villages of Lapurdi, Baja Navarra and Zuberoa, according to data provided by the prefecture of the Department of Atlantic Pyrenees. Superiority is almost absolute in Lapurdi.

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Peio Etxeleku, Elkargoko bere kargugabetzeaz: “Ez didate ene burua defendatzeko aukerarik eman”

Jean René Etxegaraik Peio Etxeleku baztertu du Errobi lurraldeko arduretatik. Etxeleku Kanboko hautetsia eta EAJren Ipar Buru Batzarreko lehendakaria da. Joan den astean Hirigune Elkargoko buruak jakinarazi zuen poloko hamaika auzapezetatik seik galdegin ziotela... [+]

The Basque Confederation is angry at the general assembly of EEP for not spending more money on policies for the Basque Country
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2024-01-31 | Euskal Irratiak
Peio Etxeberri Aintxart
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2023-12-20 | Euskal Irratiak
Dominika Daguerre
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Eguneraketa berriak daude