In the 1970s, an old fort was found near the town of Biosca, in Lleida, and it was considered that they were Iberian remains. In 2014, archaeologists resumed the investigation of the site and concluded that it was a Roman Castilum; the Iberian inscriptions found indicate that there were also indigenous soldiers in the garnicium.
In 2019, a slab was found inside a building and at first they thought it was just a piece of soil. But a student who was helping in the excavations discovered that the slab has a carved grid. They have recently confirmed that ludus is the game table of latrunculorum or robbers, the strategy game that stopped and ate the opponent's chips.
The harsh verdict against Proces came out in October 2019 and that set Barcelona on fire. In this context, in the Spanish State, the following sentence was read in the right-wing press: “For the good of Spain, Barcelona should be bombed every 50 years.” It was the phrase of... [+]
The year 2025 will lead to a general policy of establishing shorter working weeks, bringing low costs for new hires for companies and an effective direction of change in labour relations.
With the aim of complying with the Spanish government agreement, the reform to shorten the... [+]
Nafarroa Beherean, Aiherrako 'Beltzegitea' etxean kokatuko da Eguzkilore haurtzain-etxe berria. Euskara, natura eta motrizitate librea oinarri harturik, heldu den apirilean hasiko dira zerbitzua eskaintzen.
Iñigo Cabacas Herri Harmaila taldea eta Athleticen arteko harremana nahaspilatuta dago azkenaldian. Iñigo Cabacas Herri Harmailako Iñigorekin hitz egiteko aukera izan dugu astelehenean.