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Corrugated and false accusations

  • The refusal of the industrial group Cristian Lay (CL) to reopen Corrugados in Azpeitia has been a great political and social reaction.
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Mayor Nagore Alkorta (EH Bildu) has accused the PNV of preventing the factory from reopening using the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, the Basque Government and its media front. But, according to the Azpeitia City Council, there are no plans for viability, no serious projects, and above all it is illegal for them to be carried out in old installations.

It was sad to see how angry the nationalist party has accused the Abertzale left and the nationalist unions (ELA and LAB). The Jelkides say that they do not want the welfare of the people, nor the creation of jobs in Azpeitia, and they are responsible for the industrial dissolution of the companies of the Basque Country or the refusal to invest here. How can you keep this thesis without reddening your face? Do you think the people of Azpeitia and Euskal Herria are upright? When they have appeared in the media in recent days, many Jelkides have promoted a strong Abertzale anti-syndicalism, superior to that which companies and capitalist employers’ organisations can have.

Amid this controversy, CL says that if Corrugados is restarted, 200 direct and 500 indirect jobs can be created. Instead of talking about the viscera, it would be good to redirect the situation and work together in one viable direction at present: Relocation of Corrugados in a legal and environmentally feasible place today, in Truke. If CL really wants to reopen the steelworks and create jobs in Azpeitia, and if they want to support Diputación, Gobierno y Ayuntamiento, there is Truke. But the false accusations must be dispensed with.

2021eko ekainaren 13a
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