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In the Basque Country Maizorder of Lazkao gets guing to what has been learned in America

  • The Basque Country is a student and teacher in its South American countries. They also have other jobs and trades. Eleven of them took advantage of the summer holidays on their continent to come from January to February to the Basque Country Maizorder of Lazkao and train themselves further. Andrea Bella, Begoña Tisera and Alfredo Laborde are some examples.
Maizpide euskaltegian izan ziren urtarriletik otsailera Hego Amerikan euskaraz ikasten eta irakasten ari diren lagunak. Argazkia: Zaldi Ero.
Maizpide euskaltegian izan ziren urtarriletik otsailera Hego Amerikan euskaraz ikasten eta irakasten ari diren lagunak. Argazkia: Zaldi Ero.
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The Euskara Munduan program developed by the Etxepare Institute links the eleven students who participated in the Basque Country Maizorder of Lazkao. Andrea Bella told us: “We learn on the Internet and on the other hand we are interned in our country, both in winter and in summer. They last for a week.” In some small towns in Argentina and in Montevideo, these boarding schools are held. “In the past it was also taught in Chile.” Determination of Begoña Tisera Etxeberria: “They are located in the headquarters of the Basque centers of the town.”

In view of the possibility of practising what has been learned there in their countries, Bella has praised the Mintzanet project, the road to practising Euskera on the net. “It’s very useful. Above all, to get fluidity. That’s where the comrade or travel partner works a lot.” In the same vein, Alfredo Laborde speaks: “In Tres Arroyos we do not have the way to speak in Basque, so I pointed to Mintzanet. Through it, today I have interlocutors.” They include Rafael Retegi Iturbide, of Cinco Villas, of Igantzi. Labord and Retegi have been in contact for five years and met in the face. “Now I would say I have a friend,” says Labord.

Tisera accompanies poet Ainara Maia Urrotz. An old companion. “I once met him personally and invited Argentina to Buenos Aires Basque Week in 2009, when the Basque Country Etxea of San Nicolás held a great festival. This is how we met each other.”

As far as Andrea Bella is concerned, he started using Mintzanet seven years ago. He has a companion: “Anizeto Ajuriagogeaskoa, muxikarra”. She, Bella's traveling companion, and Bella herself, now, helping two other people: “Now I’m a travel companion for Inmakulada González and Josu Agirre. The former lives in Bergara and the latter in Brussels.” Internet meetings are held throughout the week in different parts of the world. In the era of the pandemic, Bella created a new team on the net: “Jalgi Hadi Mundura. Every Tuesday and Saturday we have two-hour sessions in front of the computer.” And, among other things, they organize various activities, book readings and so on.

Andrea Bella Montevideo, 1978. We've already had it on the ARGIA pages. It is certainly making us much more competent in Basque than it was seven years ago. He began studying in 2008, in the Euskara Munduan program of HABE and in the program, as soon as he began studying. She currently teaches in several Basque centers in Montevideo and through the Internet. “And I’m an Euskera student forever! I’m working on Bertsolarism and practicing the thread.” Photo: Crazy horse.
In the country in Basque

Many are not, few are Euskaldunes in their countries. They have a lot of difficulty speaking in Basque. In the case of Bella, however, there are four Euskera professors from Montevideo who work in Euskera daily through whatsapp or video calls.

Laborde does not have the possibility to express himself in Basque often, even if intentionally. “There is a girl in Tres Arroyos who is learning Euskera like me. However, he lives busy and it is difficult to join. On the other hand, he also lived here three years, is a smart girl and expresses himself very well.” Tisera has the help of his former professor, Natalia Ormazabal, who lived among us for three years. “But we made our first relationship in Spanish and now it is difficult to change language between us. However, thanks to Mintzanet, I am closely related to a Durangus: His name is Josune Aranguren Zatika.” She does speak Basque without stumbling.

In the face of language change, Bella does not forgive anyone because she strives in Basque with her sister, with what she had previously learned in Basque. “We cost each other ...” Take the ciaboga just to say it: “Well, not me, it costs him! I try it in Basque, but I find it hard to answer in Basque. Being in Maizorder, a student has proposed to me to name a specific place in the house in which two sisters do no more than in Basque. I thought it was a good idea.” This is the intention of Bella Montevideo...

Begoña Tisera Etxeberria San Nicolás, Buenos Aires, 1964. Her mother was born in Bilbao. “I’ve been studying in Basque for a long time. I first received regular classes for several years and then on the Euskara Munduan program. My intention is to learn Euskera well, I am really passionate about Euskera.” She is a housewife, sign language teacher and Euskera professor at the University of Rosario. It usually has between 15 and 20 students. “We visited Ritxi Lizartza, head of Mintzanete, in Donostia, and he gave us a book to learn the hika. I don’t know when I will have my way of learning...” Photo: Crazy horse.
Students and teachers alike

We have had students in Maizorder and, instead, they are as teachers as students in their countries. “We teach in Basque, some in Uruguay, others in Argentina… And we are doing it really,” says Tisera.

Because being a professor is the objective of the Euskara Munduan program, as Bella has informed us: “In this program we have taught since we began to learn. They call us ‘teachers’. However, he has some concern about the didactics of the language: “Because we don’t receive training to teach. In my case, as well as an Euskera professor, I am a Miss by profession, and at the time I received some training. For my part, this is what this program lacks, to offer a vision or training on the didactics of language”. I mean, more than tools.

Laborde is in the same zurubi but in another sangria. To a lesser extent. “Giving class is a good opportunity to improve our Basque level. When we are teaching, we are learning… At the same time it serves me to realize the level I have and that is why every day I try to learn, read, listen to music…”.

Stay in Maizorder

Tisera and Labord have their first course in Maizorder. Bella has already been and knows what a non-pandemic visit is. “When I was here seven years ago, I had the opportunity to visit my friends, to go from one place to another, and this and that. No, now you can’t get out of the Basque Country!” he complains. “Moreover, if the situation had been normal, they would have welcomed us in the families. Now the mask, the distance… But the pandemic, the pandemic, we are enjoying everything, every moment.” Tisera also lives it as an opportunity. “Yes, we’ve had a chance, and we’re taking advantage of it!” she says smiling.

In addition to classroom activities, they have had a lot of different activities so that in Lazkao they have a chance they don't have in their country. “We’ve tried to talk to the people there. They've also organized tertulias, and we had a lady named Maritxu, who talked to us about creating the ikastola. Patxi Teilatu, bertsolari Jon Maia… we have received several visits. On the other hand, the teachers and managers of Maizorder have also been organizing groups, bringing together two students and a citizen, so that we can speak in Basque in a real way”, we have been told. However, they do not wait for anyone, they want to take the beans out of the pot, as Bella tells us: “There we are always, looking for interlocutors, there and here!” And it matches Tis: “To speak in search of friends and also to listen! For us it is especially important to listen in Basque to the people, because we do not have a Basque atmosphere in San Nicolás, nor in Tres Arroyos. Perhaps the Basques who are in Buenos Aires have more opportunities… I don’t know.” Labord teaches us his intentions: “It’s hard for me for people to understand in Basque. In any case, I try to make a conversation at all times.” Tisera also cannot: “I find it hard to speak fluently. However, the other day one told me that my accent is similar to that of Hondarribia. Ha, ha… I don’t know! I've never been to Hondarribia, but Irún's is my interlocutor. [Ainara Maia Urrotz] Kar, kar!”.

Alfredo Laborde Tres Arroyos, Buenos Aires, 1961. She has been learning Euskera for eight years through the Euskara Munduan program. He was his great-grandfather from Donostia and he put him to study Euskera. But there's something else. “In addition to this family bond, the Basque language seems to me to be a wonderful language. No doubt.” He works in a dry pasta factory in Tres Arroyos and is a professor of Euskera in the local Basque Country. Hika is learning. Photo: Crazy horse.
Lazkao to United States

“Practicing Euskera even more, living in Euskera, enjoying Euskal Herria, meeting the people…” is the intention that Bella has brought from Montevideo to Lazkao and that she has summarized by saying “we are happy.” They have travelled thousands of kilometres to learn Euskera, although in Euskal Herria many do not take steps. Bella has anecdotes. “Here many people do not live in Euskera, and although the word is a little ugly today, what we intend is to infect people! Ha ha ha ha… Look! The other day I was in San Sebastian. Get into a store and I'm in Euskera. The dependent didn't know it, and I said, ‘I have come here from Uruguay and speak in Basque. And you don’t know?’ Half wrong, I understood it, and I did it in Basque, starting and ending.” Laborde the situation breaks his heart: “I’m sad that many here don’t know Euskera, or don’t speak to me. I think that Euskera enriches us: I want to be Euskaldun berri”. “If you are!” the following reply, but Laborde is stubborn: “I’m going to try to be.”

In the case of Tisera, her mother bilbain is happy and much happier: “Mom is very proud that I am learning Euskera. He could not study Basque, due to Franco's prohibitions. My mother is very proud and I'm making my own way. And it really is worth it!”

There, Bella takes the floor she has just spoken: “It can spread that it is now poorly seen, but I like to say that in Montevideo it tells people. To start with, the family. I've still had my daughter's birthday and congratulations to you! '97; I sang, I did not sing songs in Spanish. He's 19 years old and he's used to it. The family is used not only to her daughter! Ha ha ha!” Tisera agrees on this: “We have been learning Euskera for years and with us our families!” Labord brings her daughter to the table: “She was happy to tell my daughter that she was learning Basque!” Bella rounds the message: “We love Euskera and, in short, that is what we convey, the love of language, both in the family and in the students”. This is what makes us learn every day, listen to music in Basque, read… “We are told that we know a lot about Basque culture, because we know the names of musical groups, writers, etc. Of course, if we want to teach Basque we have to learn, but it is because we like it, it is not obligation. I know that many of you here learn Basque because it's necessary, you learn necessarily. Maybe they don't enjoy. We do enjoy, we learn very happy and that is what we transmit afterwards, when we start teaching.” Labord's Warning: “The people of Tres Arroyos do not understand that I study Euskera, but I don’t care, I’m happy.”

Upon completion of the stay, the three are in their countries and together with them, the other teachers of students and students who were in Maizorder de Lazkao. Applausible and man-made.

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