Ants… what disgust” says the protagonist girl of this book at first. In a rather bucolic landscape we see a girl with catiuscos and yellow chamarras, at the same time we pass, around her there is a squirrel and a xoxoa in the tree, a semi-hidden hare… and ants that are taking remnants of snacks on the ground.
These ants disgust the girl, they're all black and equal. And what does the girl do against these ants? Some peel the trench. This causes, of course, the anger of the ants and the black ants begin to appear with red faces, at first only one, then several and at the end all. Ants attack the girl and bleed from the feet to the face.
Angry ants acquire their usual color and return to work “when they get angry, children are unbearable. They are all equal.” The book will end with the phrase: “Children… what a disgust!”
The book has a closed structure, from the point of view of the child we will reach the tingling. In both cases, “what disgust” shows a parallelism between them. Because everything depends on what we see and the empathy we have (or not) with others.
The anger is a simple book, apparently with very few clear and colorful texts and illustrations, which sends us a clear message. In this sense, the textual economy of Iñigo Astiz stands out, which manages to transmit the message with very few words, and with a repetitive structure, and the work of the illustrations by Leire Salaberria. Using colored pastries, through a clear outline, taking care of the environment, manages to focus the attention of the spectator on the protagonists, reflecting the most important perfectly.
This book, without a doubt, can be suitable to talk about many things – fear, anger, revenge… – and that is the goal of this editorial, but it is also an ideal book to enjoy the simple story that appears in it.
Saran egingo da urriaren 11 eta 12an, eta aurtengoa laugarren edizioa izango da.
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