Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

"We noticed that the generalized narrative around 'Egunkaria' was very benign."

  • Samara Velt (Zarautz, 1991), together with Josu Martínez, directed and presented the documentary Paperetako hegoak on the closure of Euskaldunon Egunkaria. Although he is lately engaged in a doctoral thesis on the transmission of the memory of the Basque conflict, he has not been able to avoid his vocation as a journalist. He has joined both of them in his work: journalism and memory.
“18 urte pasa dira, eta badago belaunaldi oso bat adinez nagusi dena, eta beharbada ez daukana honen berri”.
“18 urte pasa dira, eta badago belaunaldi oso bat adinez nagusi dena, eta beharbada ez daukana honen berri”. (Argazkia: Joseba Zabalza)

How do you remember the closure of the Euskaldunon Newspaper?
I was at Ikastola, 5.mailan. I remember seeing the specimens of Egunkaria in the ikastola. I had a handicap, because in my house you did not read or speak in Basque. I remember when they closed Egunkaria they explained to us in the ikastola, that they started opening the T-shirts for the solidarity campaign, and that they asked us to make drawings to hang them in the courtyard. They were models with a blue background and with the letters “The newspaper ahead!”.

He started working in Berria at the age of seven. Was there any indication of this?
The theme was very cool. There was one thing that weighed. While the writing was the same, and the same people, anecdotes came out continuously, this and the other from the time of the Newspaper. That's what you drink.

When he came up with the proposal to make a documentary, did he feel that kind of personal attachment?
Yes. It seemed to me that there was a story that I wanted to tell well and that I could help, to the extent that I knew that writing and I am part of the generation that we are somehow heirs to that story. At the same time, it was a great opportunity, a producer was really involved and there were resources. Rarely are there resources to tell stories well.

Did I feel it was a story that was yet to be told?
Among us there was a concern: What new things can you tell? We observed that the generalized narrative around Egunkaria was very benign. It was often said that he was shut down because it was a symbol of Basque culture, to hurt him, but we believed that this speech needed more complexity, because something like this does not happen overnight because someone in Madrid has occurred to him.

Photo: Joseba Zabascene

And so why did Egunkaria close?
Because there was a broad discourse that once suspected projects of this kind, and that prepared the ground to think that Madrid, or the Civil Guard, could do such an operation without penalties. And they shut it down because it symbolized something that Madrid didn't understand, or even rage at it. In the Basque Country, there was a community that understood the national project from the Basque country. In this context, the attitude of Madrid influences, but also the attitudes that have taken place in the Basque Country itself. Not so much has been said about this, perhaps at a certain moment, at the time of the trial, because the objective was to collect adhesions for the solidarity campaign, and because a story was prioritized. But it's time to look at what's happened.

What did you want to add to the story?
We wanted to know where that decision came about, exactly in which office, with the signature of who. That was the central question. We have approached a hypothesis, but it is true that no one has wanted to answer us clearly, and that is also very significant.

The focus is on Madrid:
it is clear that there was a whole machinery in the Ministry of the Interior, the Civil Guard and the National Hearing, and there are proper names that we have invited but that have denied us for something: Juan del Olmo [Judge], Ignacio Astarloa [Secretary of State for Security] and the then authority of the Civil Guard. I have some questions left, especially those I would ask them.

Has it served you to understand the closure of Egunkaria in another way?
It has served me to see details and borders. For many years we have naturalized many things related to the conflict: “The newspaper was closed down by Madrid, in a logic of war, because it acted like this.” This naturalization has led us to wonder what was not there, but then you take individual stories and realize that there are so many knots and to what extent you can delve into the complexity of something like this.

Why is it important to count the closure of Egunkaria after 18 years?
I think Egunkaria is still owed an honest story, but the documentary does not come to light all the answers. Over the years, we had hoped that some of these responses would be in a position to give their opinion. We have received some interviews before starting the recording, but we have also received a note: “This is not going to be counted in front of the camera.” This shows that there is still not much that can be said in our country. But I am in favour of doing this exercise over and over again, because perhaps at some point the field of what is significativo.En is opened,

the framework of his thesis has interviewed several young people. What do you know about Egunkaria?
Many don't know what Egunkaria was, or you've heard that it was closed at most. That was also another reason: It's been 18 years, and there's a whole generation that is older, and you may not know it. They're not learned, because that exercise has to be done by every generation. We cannot assume that what we know will be known by the next generation.

The journalist, inevitably “I
started in Berria in 2010, because in that proud simplicity of that time I was wrong to send me the resume. I was told that there was a short summer scholarship and that I could do an exam. I did a three-month scholarship and then I felt at home. The last day I was crying home because I didn't want to leave the writing. After a couple of months I was called to make a substitution, from there and I was in Berria until 2018. I'm making a thesis on memory issues, but I always have some journalistic work on my hands, because I'm more perplexed by the officer than I'm sure I recognize. I’m a journalist, although when I’ve dedicated to journalism I struggled to define it this way, and now, leaving the writing, I say it more easily.”


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