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A theater afternoon

  • It happens to me with theater as it does with cinema. I don't go many times, but when I go I remember that I enjoy and if I go more times I would like more. At the Gaiarre Theatre in Pamplona we acquired the last two tickets that remained due to the change of last minute plan and on Saturdays in the afternoon.
Argazkia: Gaiarre antzokia
Argazkia: Gaiarre antzokia

I went with Areta (my human cultural encyclopedia) to the theater and he explained a couple of issues about the play before I entered the theater: what criticism he has received so far and what famous actors are going to act, among others. I was motivated.

As soon as I started, I was surprised by the production. Scenographies elaborated and full of details and, above all, closets as careful as special of the actors. They started the work. I'm not particularly good at following stories, I wake up easily. I find it difficult to understand those who do not say so explicitly and I know that it is my problem, the lack of custom. The thing is, with the minutes I was losing myself, I couldn't grab myself. I approached my friend's ear and whispered, "Areta, I'm exhausting, I'm not understanding anything."

Ama Kuraia
When: 20 February
NoN: Teatro Gaiarre de Pamplona

And you can't keep laughter. For Areta it was also difficult to follow the story and that reassured me in part. I have to admit that I didn't know the story, I didn't know what it was referring to, or who or when. And then a question came to my head. Should theater make sense of what it wants to tell those who don't know anything? Or is the piece built on the assumption that the public is going to have minimal knowledge?

We don't get discouraged and try to be more attentive, looking at all the details. All of a sudden I realized something was happening to me that had never happened to me: I was not able to place the work geographically and in time. The Basque did not give me any clues either. It is then difficult to achieve a timeless scenography.

Almost before each scene, messages appeared, paragraphs that brought us forward what was going on. And from time to time, they also included songs, created for the play, sung by the protagonists. The theater play that lasts just over two hours ended up singing Forever young in underwear, as they cast messages and images on their back wall. The number of people who die in wars, the percentage of soldiers they were in their day and the number of citizens and how the issue is today, among others.

That helped me understand a lot of the work, but at the same time it disposed me even more. I have to go more to the theater.

Photos of the Gaiarre Theatre:


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