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Tasting the bread of ancient Egypt

  • The researcher at the University of Sorbonne, Adeline Bats, has just carried out a project of experimental archaeology that has managed to make bread like the ancient Egyptians using the same tools, processes and raw materials.
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Thanks to archaeological footprints and paintings, he has known, for example, that they introduced the dough into long tapered molds and that the bread was cooked in furnaces or open vessels.

On the contrary, the analysis of the organic matter found in the old furnaces and molds concluded that they used the wheat variety called Emmer, which is currently very uncultivated. Result: well cooked and elongated, tasty, low in gluten and easy to digest

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2024-07-12 | Estitxu Eizagirre
Amillubi proiektua hasia da konponketa lanak, landaketak eta formazio saioak egiten

Zestoako Iraeta auzoan, Urola ibaiaren meandroan daude Amilibia baserria eta bere lurrak. Horiek modu kolektiboan erosteko dirua biltzen ari da Biolur laborantza ekologikoaren aldeko elkartea. 2025 bukaerarako dute hitzartua azken ordainketa, baina erosketa fasean egon arren,... [+]

“Janaria mintzaira bat da, epistemologia alterno bat”

Iruñerrian ondo ezagutzen dute, baina ni neu txundituta geratu nintzen Ana Laura Duarteren janari-instalazioak ikusi nituenean, lehenik Iruñeko Ziudadelan eta handik astebetera Uharteko parke batean, ekainaren erdialdean. Instalazio efimeroak izan ziren biak ala... [+]

"Cut and pull" technique
In natural forests we find species that fulfil different strata and functions. Some will survive and spend many centuries there. Others will take the first steps, sacrifice themselves for the members of the forest and offer their corrupt bodies to the system. These species of... [+]

2024-06-19 | Estitxu Eizagirre
How to revitalize the local fair? Bergara's experience
In Bergara, the Food Bureau has been set up, from which various actions are being taken to strengthen the local market and to work on the relief of the baserritars. The horticulturist Jon Ruiz de Egino, a member of the Eskubaratz project, is part of the Food Table. And the... [+]

2024-06-17 | Garazi Zabaleta
Creation of a land bank to guarantee a basic resource for agriculture
The Lurbizi project was created in Oiartzun to boost agriculture and take steps towards food sovereignty, towards 2016. “A group of citizens had been reflecting for some time on the poor situation of agriculture and the primary sector in the people,” said Ibon Mitxelena... [+]

If you see me cry

Elba basin, 1417. Due to the drought, the level of the river dropped considerably and someone marked the level of the water in a stone, carving a sign: “If you see this stone again, you will cry. The water was at this level in 1417.”

The following sign is 1616: “If you... [+]

When hunger squeezes

For centuries, the increase in the goods needed for subsistence, or scarcity, rebellion and protest have led to a large number of citizens. Oppressed people have always been willing to provoke confrontations and disturbances when there is a lack of means to meet basic needs... [+]

Recovery project for old wheat in Álava
Agroekoop was born a couple of years ago from the collaboration between the Alavesa bionekazaritza association and the Euskadi Seed Network. “We create with the objective of uniting and strengthening the associations of the return to Alavesa agroecology and promoting... [+]

2024-05-31 | Estitxu Eizagirre
Amillubi overcomes its first target with 180,000 euros of citizens and agents
The Biolur Association aims at the acquisition of the Amilibia farmhouse of Zestoa and its lands, as well as the implementation of agroecological projects linked to food sovereignty. To this end, inter alia, the Internet collection campaign began in December and set the deadline... [+]

2024-05-15 | Estitxu Eizagirre
What to study of the Cuban agroecological system (inevitably)?
Amets Ladislao has recently been in Cuba knowing his crop model and food system. With the fall of the Soviet Union (USSR) and the worldwide blockade it is suffering, the island of the Caribbean ran out of pesticides and chemical fertilizers, and as a result of these chemicals, a... [+]

2024-05-14 | Garazi Zabaleta
Partnership for the promotion of traditional and local cuisine
The Ja(ki)tea association was born in 2009 of the collaboration between several restaurants, cooks and gastronomic critics. “Initially we met about 14 restaurants in Gipuzkoa, but the project has been growing gradually and today we are 37,” explains Xabier Zabaleta, the... [+]

2024-05-06 | Jakoba Errekondo
Floral drinks Intsusa
Ready to drink? This summer portal is suitable for beverage distillation to prevent further hot drying. Maintaining humidity is important to keep the body in its best condition and there is nothing to say with the flesh that has been created at home.

Less bad Roman wine

It has been considered that the wine drank by the ancient Romans was a poorly made wine, without body and with an unpleasant taste. But the work that researchers at the universities of Ghent and Warsaw have published in Antiquity has provoked the withdrawal of this belief.

The... [+]

2024-05-03 | ARGIA
Ja(ki)tea, gertuko ekoizleek hasitako lana borobildu nahi duen sukaldari elkartea

Sukaldean ere tokian tokiko produktuekin lan egitearen garrantzia nabarmentzeko asmoz, Ja(ki)tea elkarteko bazkideek ezagutarazi nahi dute “euskal gastronomia tradizionala” sustatzen dihardutela euren jatetxeetan; horretarako, zenbait otordu berezi eta ikastaro... [+]

Eguneraketa berriak daude