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"Racism is soothed and developed at the same rate as the societies in which we live"

  • Desirée Bela-Lobedee (Barcelona, 1978), an Afro-feminist communicator and activist, became popular with the nickname of Flor negra. Claiming that education is the way to derail structural racism, it has created a strong educational community in the red.Tambialso collaborates with the Public and RAC1 media.
 “Muturreko eskuinaren gorakadak legitimatu ditu orain arte ezkutuan egiten ziren diskurtso arrazistak” .
“Muturreko eskuinaren gorakadak legitimatu ditu orain arte ezkutuan egiten ziren diskurtso arrazistak” . (Argazkia: Joan Herrera)
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

You immersed yourself in the network through the blog Negra Flor. What was the challenge of this portal? I
created it out of necessity: I needed to record and share what I studied in the process of recovering my natural hair. Gisela Soroka recommended that I open this portal to my friend and my long-standing blog, liked what I wrote and paid attention to it. It was around 2011 and at that time there was no blog of this kind in Spanish. I just found the portal and so I thought it could be an interesting project.

In 2018 he published the book Being a Black Woman in Spain. How did you experience it?
My way of being in the world is to be a black woman. The diversity of my personality allows me to understand reality from different points of view, and I think that's a big advantage. On the other hand, being a black woman and living in Spain is a continuous rupture of the social imaginary. Anything we do is the breakdown of people’s imaginary: from speaking in Spanish without “African” melodies – of course, if you release more native languages, people’s surprise increases – to university studies… We have to fight every day with many things of this kind.

To what extent has the context been improved in recent years?
It seems to me too incredible to think that the situation has improved. Because racism, far from wiping out, is soothed and developed at the same rate as the societies in which we live. Moreover, today, with all the information available to know how structural racism operates, to put aside and deny that it exists is no longer a matter of ignorance, but a conscious decision to deny what we have demonstrated for decades in African and Afro-descendant communities.


(Photo: Go to Herrera)

We are now experiencing the rise of the far right. How has this influenced? The
rise of the extreme right legitimizes the racist speeches that have hitherto been made covertly: today they have the legitimacy of expressing themselves with their faces, crumbling and talking without shame. But as far as policies are concerned, we cannot say that we have lost out against racism. It is true, however, that now, for example, although the Director-General for Equal Treatment is Rita Bosah, and Antumi Toasijé has been appointed President of the Council against Racism and Ethnic Exclusion, there is a long way to go.

He has just published the book Minorities. How did it come about?
My editor proposed that I write a second book and, among other things, suggested talking about minorities. From there I started to put the idea into shape, because minorities are multiple, and I wanted to look for a proper point of view. I have carried out this work with the aim of making visible the experiences of groups of marginalized and stigmatized people.

In the essay you spoke to women suffering from situations of exclusion. What has the process been like?
The talks have been enriching. I've learned a lot from listening to women's experiences. And writing has been a challenge for the personal and general context that has marked 2020. However, the writing process has also been enriching.

Do you have other projects now in your hands?
Besides promoting the book, destination all the energy to the educational community and to the courses of the network. These are the spaces for debate that I have been managing since 2019, and I want to continue to give that space to those who consider it important to educate and learn to demolish racism.

He considers it essential that people put themselves in the other shoes in order to break down prejudices. It is not a simple exercise!
Under no circumstances. It has to be borne in mind that we know that everything we know has been learned this way. Anti-racist Afro-feminist education offers a different point of view, not only from studies with deep roots, but also from the collective beliefs that have been made and inherited. To offer different conceptions about this type of theme challenges the structure of beliefs and it is common to find

resistance… Before finishing, feminism also has something to learn about, right?
Of course, feminism also has a lot to review. To start with, we should start by talking about feminisms, understanding that this is a movement that needs points of view from all women and feminists. Unique feminism does not represent us all, to the extent that each of us has different demands. And that starting point, as we tend to be judged by white, cis or middle-class women, far from creating divisions, we should understand it as a strong point. By supporting the other demands and demands we promote women’s rights while ensuring a more socially just society.

I have always thought that I have not made many decisions of life: that they have taken me. With the nickname Negra flor I created in 2011 a
blog and when the virals were made some of the contents came to a lot of people: I started because I had the need to share what I was learning in the process of recovering the naturalness of my hair and that of my daughters. Six months later, I cheered on the Youtube channel, and I also published thoughts about the Afro-descendant. Even though I currently have over 18,000 subscribers, the channel is quite stagnant. In any case, the contents of all these years are available, with more than 300 videos in total.


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