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Verbal tables can be learned with mobile

  • Translators, dictionaries and now verbal tables. The Adizkinator mobile app is available on the network, a simple, simple and fast tool. In the author’s opinion, it is a “complementary tool” that can make the Basque learning process more “friendly”.

Who does not remember the long and sometimes complicated and confusing verbal tables in Basque. They are well known. Silabaz whistles, at the end the verb is formed and, after many hours of practice, these complex verbs are gradually internalized. Well, thanks to the voluntary work of several people, these tables have an alternative in the digital network. With them, in a simpler and faster way, even more secure, you can pick up in a moment the verb you're looking for. Just give the phone data in the middle of a second to get the result: ask what verb, how and in what period it is sought, and then add the man-nori-nor formula. Playing verbs has never been so simple and simple.

“I wouldn’t say it’s an alternative to verbal tables; it’s more substitutive, or more additive,” says Ander Herranz, creator of the new Adizkinator app. He has created the mobile app to use it as a “complementary tool” of known tables, especially for Basque students. However, despite the fact that the main potential user is the student of the Basque schools, he encourages anyone who may have doubts or curiosities about the Basque verb to use it.

Herranz is a professor at the AEK at Uribe Kosta. He is young, fourth year old, and in these years he has healed the Adizkinator application responding to a lack observed in the classroom. In fact, today, mobiles occupy a place at the students' table: they are one more tool in the learning process, especially to consult the dictionary. Herranz believes that in general it is adequate to solve doubts and defends the use, but in the conjugation of verbs the students who left the cell phone and used the verbal tables well known before. “It was time to facilitate the search and understanding of the verbs.”

However, the old way of learning does not intend to abandon it. That is why he says that he has not created an alternative, but an additional tool that, instead of using it every day and at all times, only at specific times. He says that he also has a point of concern because “if an instrument has to say everything, at all times we will not learn anything”. However, compared to tables, the application is imposed in simplicity, simplicity and speed, as well as in effectiveness if the data is provided correctly.

Two antecedents

He has expressed his thanks and has not undermined either of the two works similar to those on which he has served as the basis. In fact, ten years ago, the first digital tool was created for the game of verbs in Basque: Version and application to the web Another is the one created by the Institute of Euskera of the University of the Basque Country/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, known as Adizkitegi Automatikoa. Herranz believes that all three are “complementary” to each other.

“ used and recommended in class, as well as the UPV/EHU Concierge, but my desires were not entirely satisfied,” says Herranz. The first, by Garikoitz Knörr, says it is very useful and appropriate, but the Berangotarra believes it has two holes: neither allocutive nor synthetic verbs. He says that in the case in which he needed this latter he resorted to the work of the UPV/EHU, but considers that it is not as appropriate for the students because he requested much technical knowledge. That's why he's done his bit of sand and he's blended both of them into a single application.

The creator of Ander Herranz Adizkinator has expressed his gratitude and has not removed any merit from the two similar works that have served as a basis: and Adizkitegi Automatikoa

Knörr is aware of the lack of synthetic verbs in its application and of the need to renew the application that had been going on for some time. It has made updates since 2011 and has intentions and challenges to address them later. But we must also go to the source: the two applications did not, of course, depart from the current one, and Knörr did not specifically create it for students like Herranz. When it occurred to him to make the Knörr application, which was immersed in the translation, mainly because it was an instrument or a resource that he missed: “I created it mainly because I needed it, but I knew more people would come well.” Its objective was to resolve doubts and to be safe and practical: “We all have some doubt, in my case it seemed very practical to check verbs and be sure.”

In the learning process of the Basque Country, in the new techniques that the digital network can offer, the tool has had its milestone Knör created it from scratch, without a baseline model, with the help of his siblings with computer skills. At the Language School of Valencia the possibility of learning Euskera was offered for the first time in 2015, and although at first it did not use the application with its students, as higher levels of learning were incorporated over the years, Knör believes that students value this type of tools a lot.

It has also launched a kind of breakthrough or a kind of primitive. A more developed version is being prepared: - the draft is already available. It will have new functions: it will receive synthetic verbs and standard Hitan, and it intends to include the dialects received by Euskaltzaindia. “It would have been a great novelty, but I have to admit that Adizkinator has brought us forward,” he said with a smile.

Cooperation of teachers

Apparently, incidentally, Knör has been brought forward by Herranz and one will bear the fame that the other will not bear. Both speak of humor and grace, although they stress that the tools they have created are complementary and of mutual help. “No one takes money out of this project, because the only objective is to contribute to the teaching of Euskera. Therefore, welcome to this type of project, it is really satisfactory,” said Knörr.

This article describes the learning tools voluntarily created by two teachers, as it does not seem casual for the faculty to dedicate themselves to it. For Knör, as in other areas, this type of project is not generated from the interior of the shortage to real life. Finally, both consider that the use of this type of tools, both for teaching and for learning, is a great support. Therefore, they make available all these resources so that they can be used by those who want it. We already know that, at least, the Adizkinator application has started to be used in several schools.

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