What is the Cornisa?
The school is Basque. Born in December 2018 with three families. Six children started the road. He spent his first years in a campsite in Urruña, in the same cornice, where he was arrested. In a beautiful place. Now, instead, what we call “The New Cornice” is located in a hamlet of Urruña. And we've already gone from six to sixteen children in the short term. It's a center that respects the rhythm of boys and girls. We offer them more freedom, attention, presence and active listening in a beautiful place. We offer comprehensive learning based on your needs and desires. We work with children aged 2 and a half to 11 years. Erlaitza is the school of my dreams.
What does Erlaitza School differ from a regular educational center?
The basis is nonviolent communication. The adult is a child's travel companion: it does not judge or punish. We apply respectful education. That is essential to us. In addition, children are completely free until they are six years old. On demand, they practice free play. Montessori has material and we offer workshops. I propose, I say, because they are not taxes. It is often they who ask. Workshops of science, painting, letters, numbers… Curiosity is natural for children. In addition, they have the opportunity to be in direct contact with nature. We also believe that this is essential. From the age of six, on the other hand, at Bernard Collot we are based on the pedagogy of third-class schools. And we propose a learning process based on the interests of boys and girls. Every child in the Basque Country has their personal project. The role of Bidelaguna is to help carry out this project. Recently, one of the students wanted to perform spectacular acrobatics. “How can we do it?” I asked him right away, and now he’s organizing. He is writing the spectacular, he complements it with drawings, he takes advantage of my body to rehearse and create stunts… In addition, he has been joined by friends to make presenters, so it has become a collective personal thing. That's the Cornisa.
Not a professor, travel buddy?
Because, after all, we are fellow travellers. Because we are by your side. We all have teacher training, but, of course, we continue to train like any other teacher. Those of us who love education, those of us who love work and being with children, want to help boys and girls, so the more educated we are or the more we know, the better.
Is it economically accessible to “normal” families?
Cornice is not an elitist school. The quota is quite low. And it's that they're often accused of this kind of center. The cornice was clear that, from the outset, it should be accessible to all families intending to enter it. It's a legal school, I also have to say. It is a school approved by the Government of France. However, the comrades do not finance them, but the contributions of their families. After all, it is a school that manages itself economically and that is magnificent. But I want to make it clear that the families that we are there are families that represent society. We're not rich. We, for example, as my children are also there, have put it as a priority. We prefer to rule out something else, offering this opportunity to our children.
What do you think as an education expert about the dominant educational model? I realized that in the schools of
the system you can also do something like this, but it's very difficult. You can be prepared as a teacher, but the whole group must follow you. And most of the time it doesn't, so there's a huge weight left behind. At the moment, at least for me, it is impossible. It's not worth it. I prefer to use my energy to the Erlaitza project. It has already been shown that this educational model is valid, that it gives good results. Some worry about the academic level, but undoubtedly, children leave ready to go to school and ESO. Too much. It is a very interesting learning process offered by Erlaitz, beyond academic results. We educate in love, in respect. Of course, they collect it at home, but fortunately also in our own. In addition to academic results, it is very important that the center offers well-being.
What role do parents play in Erlaitza school?
In a project like ours, parental engagement is very important. I am referring to the pedagogical area. Along the same lines, they are committed to collaborating with the center. To do so, we offer training every year. We work on the reception of emotions and nonviolent communication. In fact, when there is a conflict in the Cornisa, we get on our way with the children. For example, directing the exits with them. And if at home they act with sorrows, the little one loses, he doesn't understand anything. It is a compromise that is called for. In addition, they participate in a very simple and very nice way.
You presented us the tab, but what is Erlaitza for you?
Children's paradise.
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