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Bailemos Reykjavik 606

  • Boom zu pa tutu, tu pa taka, bum tzu pa pa pa. There are many ways to sing, every style is yours, every voice is yours. And nothing to say in letterless concerts. In electronic music and in jazz, it's more common to act without a voice, and each one puts the tone. The Reykjavík 606 have shown a high level in the double concert they have offered in Dabadaba.
Argazkia:  Jaime Benegas
Argazkia: Jaime Benegas

17 February 2021
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Rhythm. The low is being stronger than usual. The bombón was on the ground, it was low. Rhythm. Synthesizers have been added by the anbient. Can the mind dance? Rhythm. The room was quiet, attached to the chairs. How dangerous is getting up? Control must be guaranteed, at least for aesthetics. Rhythm. Do you know the song? No, and it's not always necessary. What about that sample? An African-American poet found on an old record. Rhythm and lower faster than usual.

Reykjavík 606 is not from Iceland, but from Donostia, and has been working for years on the electronic scene. The couple formed by Kino Internacional and Borja Piñeiro had luxury guests in the recording of their last work: Endless Summer in Peckham (Forbidden Colours, 2019) In the Carlos Sagi battery (which worked on projects like Kalakan or KHAMI) and in the lower Xabier Barrenetxea. Among the collaborators, Ishmael Ensemble in the saxo and Tenderlonius with a rework. It's a pity they didn't show up on the direct.

Reykjavik 606
6 February in NoN: Dabadaba de San Sebastián

The room was opened with the sampleador Gil Scott-Heronen the revolution will not be televed kanta sampleando, and from the very beginning everything that would happen has been announced. From their latest work, they are framed in the style known as NU-jazz or UK-jazz. For those who have never heard of it, the language of jazz outside the “usual” realm of jazz, electronics, reggae, duba, afrobeata, downtempo, etc. Progressive pop-rock chords will not be used, but the usual jazz structures (alternated solo, etc.) will not be repeated. ).

Sagi and Barrenetxea will dedicate a special jazz touch to the concert. Improvising the rhythm over the axis. How is it possible to act so soft and so strong? The synthesizers of Kino Internacional and Piñeiro help in the hypnotic journey. It has passed a natural loop offering samples, alone and cuts, and above all in our head the echo of Kamaal Williams: “We have learned jazz on the street.”

At the time when the couple Reykjavík has remained alone, the aura they created has changed. Some dissonant notes have reduced the volume and brought the session to another field. Anyway, the Golden Partner Sagi-Barrenetxea has returned for her last song and put the golden brooch on the concert. I've gone on to the first songs of the Zarauztarras in Delorean, as the chocolates were speeding up. And wanting to listen to other instrumental groups in the Basque Country, Rukula and Sofa have come to me. And again I've felt the pleasure of dancing what's not fashionable. Well, I'd feel like I'm not sticking to my mask on the bench.

Photo: Jaime Benegas


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