Between 2014 and 2017, Mosul (Iraq) was the capital of the Islamic State and, as a result of attacks by the regime and international troops, the historical and artistic heritage of 2,500 years was destroyed. The capital of Assyria, Nimrud and Nineveh, were incinerated, as well as the medieval mosque of Al-Nuri, among others.
Now, the Google Arts & Culture platform, through the The Art & Soul of Mosul initiative, has digitally recreated this heritage by offering three-dimensional models to visit the lost heritage. This project has recreated, among others, one of the most well-known custodian lions of the Ishtare Temple.
Mostafa Waziri, Secretary General of the Upper Ancient Council of Egypt, recently presented the gigantic restoration project of the Mizerino pyramid: They will cover the man's smallest pyramid with granite blocks to regain its original appearance. Although Waziri has... [+]
Recentemente tivemos unha aparición arquitectónica na Escola de Arquitectura de San Sebastián. No marco dunha tese doutoral e da man do arquitecto Ibon Telleria, presentouse unha variante do coñecemento do caserío vasco. A achega di que a construción inicial dos caseríos... [+]
The rural environment has become a dredging event, mediated by the shotgun and the excavator. According to one of the news reports, it was called Moskenea and has been killed. Its meat was made of stone and wood, but its disappearance has caused impact and sadness. He lived long... [+]