Five years later, the Cafe and Cookies initiative returns. Why now? Why in the midst of a pandemic, when obstacles and conditions of association are tougher than ever before? Leire and Ibon are clear: at a time when culture is serious, popular culture is in an even more serious situation, which is done outside the institutions. The initiative, which has been sleeping for five years, has been relaunched to bring alternative spaces to value. Due to its characteristics, it is an excellent format for finding slots and performing cultural activities in the current situation. In these times when music has become an environmental noise of rapid consumption, listening and actively commenting on the album someone has chosen and met with friends can be a great plan.
Coffee and cookies
When: 5 January
Where: Gaztetxe Astra de Gernika.
On this occasion it has been up to J Martina to choose and present the album. What we have to hear today is Dellafuente's latest work. The Granada artist released last year Rest in Power (Sony Music). The work is composed of ten songs that mix flamenco and urban music. An interesting proposal, which has departed somewhat from the usual selections of Coffee and Cookies. After hearing, J. Martina highlighted in the talk about the album the importance that the work of Granadino has had for them both in the musical and conceptual.
After the hearing, we were able to enjoy the live performance of the J Martina group. The proposal of two voices, guitars and synthesizers filtered by the trio of Larrabetzu and Barañain with the automata has surprised us, because we did not know the group. We have gone through the intimate and beautiful landscapes they have created with songs like Desira and Su, as well as with the beautiful and rough song Beste Bat. We have been driven by different musical paths and, in the end, we have been eager to dance. Reluctantly, we stayed in chairs waiting for the sign of getting up, each in place but somehow united. They have offered two versions, that of Dellafuente with the music of No See You and Joseba Tapia, and that of Lagun Galdua with the letters of Koldo Izagirre.
We've become happy about Gernika, after seeing an old friend and making new friends.
Kutixik Non
Festival: In the Casa de Cultura de Intxaurrondo, in San Sebastián.
When: 26 October.
It is a musical initiative that emerged in Donostialdea and aims to "collectively confront the music industry that wants precarious,... [+]
Opera groups Don Pasquale de
Donizetti: OSE and Bilbao Opera Choir.
Soloists: S. Orfila M.J. Moreno, F. Demuro, D. Del Castillo, P.M. Sánchez.
Stage Director: Emiliano Suárez.
Scenography Alfons Flores.
Place: Euskalduna Palace
Date: 19 October.
... [+]
Beware of that view of the South. Firstly, to demystify the blind admiration of the green land, the white houses and the red tiles, unconditional love, fetishism associated with speech and the supposed lifestyle. It leaves, as Ruper Ordorika has often heard, a tourist idea... [+]
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Self-production, 2024
It is common to create music groups in the circle of youth, and in Arrasate even more. But keeping a team in shape requires a lot of effort and commitment, and if you don't throw away, time... [+]
The devil with the swords!
International Smoke, 2024
Sticky pop melody guerrillas. Like little Vietcong, one after the other, the Tatxers catch us again with traps or no traps. This is a new album that the hymenical master,... [+]