In the summer of 2019 Udalbiltza started working on the Hauspotu program. Its antecedent was the work and life program in the Basque Pyrenees 2013-2015: “Seeing his success, we plan to launch this other,” explains Aitor Elexpuru. The objective of Hauspotu is to promote those counties that have problems of depopulation, unemployment and accessibility to services, promoting projects based on the transforming social economy.
First, Udalbiltza asked Gaindegia to study which areas of the Basque Country had these problems: depopulation, unemployment and accessibility of services. Subsequently, Udalbiltza himself approached these counties and made a first contact with the mayors, councilors and staff of the ESE. They were presented with the Hauspotu programme and invited to participate in the training sessions to be held in those villages.
The Hauspotu programme has organised training sessions throughout 2020 in the areas of the map that appear red. They have served to train local authority technicians and development agencies, as well as citizens who want to launch new projects. The content consists of two parts: They have theoretically worked on the steps to be taken to enter the ESE, and on the other hand, have presented the practical experiences that are under way. Training sessions have been held in all these villages: In Álava, La Puebla de Arganzón and Espejo; in Bizkaia, Valle de las Encartación; in Navarra, Sartagudo, Tafalla, Estella, Yerri, Gares, Larraga, Mendigorría, Aoiz, Lumbier, Galoze, Ochagavía, Burgui and Sangüesa; and in Baja.
After these training sessions, a deadline was set for people to present their projects. Applications were received from 27 projects interested in receiving support from the Hauspotu programme: One in Álava, three in Bizkaia, two in Iparralde and 21 in Navarra.
The people who presented the project have received training classes this fall. This training support has two axes: on the one hand, it offers technical support through Hauspotuk Olatukoop and, on the other hand, economic support through Koop57. “The Hauspotu programme has allocated EUR 25,000 to Koop57 so that Koop57 can lend up to EUR 250,000 to these new projects.” Following this process, 13 solid projects have been submitted that want to be supported by Hauspotu and that meet the ESE requirements.
Udalbiltza has held meetings with the development agencies of Navarra CEDERNA-Garalur and Tierra Estella and with the Pyrenees table to present the Hauspotu programme: “Most of the projects we have received are from their areas, so it’s interesting to know them and train their technicians.” That is how Elexpuru continued: “We have seen that people are eager to continue living in those places and to do entrepreneurship. By investing and collaborating in it, different projects would be carried out.”
“From Hauspotu we are eager to address the second phase, and we want to work in a transformative municipality: the next challenge will be to create synergies and collaborations between the public and the cooperative community. To this end, it will be key to attract municipalities and development agencies to this project.” Consolidating the projects that have been launched under this programme is another objective.
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