You just pulled out your second solo album. Are these songs created in this special era?
There's everything. The songs that are in Basque are new, last year. In English they are old, they are ten and fifteen years old, so far I had them as models, they were yoghurts, that is, without words, and last year I gave them the finishing touches.
Why have you released songs 15 years ago?
I have many other hands like these, and I know I'll ever show them. On the model I made for the first album, I already had 60 songs. We had them county and there were 60! We chose ten of them to record on disk. There are still many, still many sketches.
So we can regain the hope that more records will arrive.
There's pasta, at least [laughs].
You've named the album The Line of Planets. It's also the title of a song that's on the record, a piano composition, without words. How has the selection been carried out?
First I gave my name to the album. The line of planets... I wanted to say the alignment of planets; I had that feeling that things are replenishing. That was a year ago, when I was starting to work on the record, and just after hearing that in 2020, there would be the alignment of planets that rarely happens. That chance put me even more into that desire. I asked Maiana Irigoyen to write and play a piano. He did it to me and he had no title. In the time of the song mix, when I listened to this song, I imagined the alignment of planets: I saw the movements and the confusions, and the stop of the tempest coming next. I proposed to him to call the line of the planets, and he accepted.
The melody is beautiful.
Yes. It goes step by step, there are movements -- it tears apart, and in the end there's a relief.
The idea of movement is very present even in words. Among other things, when in the last song he repeats clearly ready to go or “I’m leaving”.
I didn't look at it that way, but now you say it, it's true. The second song says “joan giten”, the song The trip is also a trip, you’ve already mentioned the last song…
It has been done inadvertently.
Yes, I don't realize. The truth is, there's that link between the songs. In Ready to go I don't tell what to go, I'm the actor or narrator of that story, I'm not a character... But yes, the person clearly says he's willing to go. However, I don’t know where to go…
In songs you get what you have inside, there are many songs you have written in the first person.
I realized at the end of the process, when I made the confusion in the study, and the truth is that it made me angry. At the same time, I don't feel guilty, because he's a character. I’m a storyteller and that reassures me somewhere… But yes, it has a similarity: the need to talk to oneself, and it has become heavy or annoying to me. I have taken care of the singing of Soldier Kapo, who was in the first person in yoghurts and we have put him in the third.
Thinking you were talking about yourself, I wanted to ask you if it wasn’t hard for you to post the interior live to strangers… But maybe it’s not worth the question.
In a single song on this album I do my “I”: Before the creation of the Flower of Mikel Laboa. For me, it's a therapy, a step of confessing something. Haizegua's cry from the first album is the same, my song is the same, it's me. But on other occasions that “I” is not me.
"The atmosphere of Mikel Laboa and the metal are the same, the sensations are the same, the two come out of the tents"
There are also songs without words on the album. What is kept behind this option of alternating words and words?
I have a lot of reservations, as if it were songs in English, and I put one or two whole periods. On the other hand, I was inspired by Mikel Laboa, on his records were songs he called Lekeitio, and each time they were improvisations. I've done the same thing, giving it the name of Melody. We also had them on the album edited with the group Paco and Marieder.
You're a great fan of knives and it's a family on your way. You have already mentioned the song before Lore is born, which you catch again in the concerts and which is also on the album of Paco and Marieder. Why this song?
By the words. The words are by Jean Baptiste Elizanburu-Harlouchi. The first time I heard these words on Laboa's album hallucinated, in that song he said exactly what he meant: I was just twenty years old and I felt the same thing. From my point of view it is a pointer text, and that is why I reuse it completely. This time I have changed the air, I have given him a new air, but in this matter it is not important, there are all the words.
From a textual point of view, it's shaped like Oihartzuna, from your first record, right?
The song Oihartzuna I haven't written it, it's Elorri Lambert's words, so I'm the messenger. Since I don't have the song, I can tell you: it seems to me that Oihartzuna has, it's also a suicide story, but I think it's stronger than before Lore formed. The flower is pure as soon as it is born, it says that it wants to commit suicide, which is the time, but at the same time it is quiet. When I was twenty years old, I thought the things I was saying the same way.
The words are there, but you have given your version to the melody. Also there he tore, quickly pulling to the metal.
Yes, I also represented the atmosphere of the metal or the symphony orchestra. It was an initial goal, but technically it wasn't possible, and so I had to leave it alone with the guitar and the voice, but with great frustration. I haven't found musicians, I've asked some, but no one was free. Time has passed, the first lockdown has also gone by and it has not been done by the organisation. I do not know how to write for an orchestra, and although it is a matter of salaries, I cannot pay an orchestra, so it should be done as an assistant and it has not happened. I wanted to do it, but I didn't.
You're also metallurgical.
I love a lot of styles, but it's true that metal is what I know the most. That's why I live here.
Suhuskunen. If the reader does not know, the people you have designated as the capital of the metal, with the festival Buru Beltz Fest as an annual event.
That's [laughter]. But the atmosphere of Laboa and metal are related, the sensations are the same, and the same with the metal and symphony orchestra. In metal there are many specialties, but as for everything that comes out of the casings, what Laboa does is the same.
What's your favorite in metal groups in Euskal Herria?
Anesthesia… Buf, out of the casings, is very healthy, clean and sincere.
There are also songs in English on the album. How does English come to you?
I get out of yogurt at first. It just comes out, I don't calculate it. Then I write songs or we have them with my friends, listening to that yogurt comes out real phrases and words. I don't know how to explain it.
Is English not a choice?
No, I don’t think “I’ll do that song in English or in Basque.” As some riffs come out on the guitar, they are improvisations and at a given moment improvisation becomes a song, it is confirmed. It's the same as words. Yogurt means that words seem to be in English or Euskera, but they don't really mean anything. These are some syllables, some sounds. I also do the same in Basque. I'm not the only one, so many do.
"I don't decide in advance what I'm going to speak or in what language; the first thing that is extracted is the sonorities."
But is there already a message on the liver of yogurt? Or is it yogurt that deducts the message?
It's ridiculous because I can't explain it, and if you ask others, you can't explain it many times. It can be understood when it happens with the guitar or the piano. For words, it's the same thing, it's like an instrument, the sonorities, the melodies, come out before meaning. My friend Thierry accompanies me when writing songs in English, and every time I tell him that I don’t have words for the song in English that I have in my hands, that I only have yogurt… He replies that no, that I have everything and that I will start singing. I start and the reason, it was almost the same, there were the words, except two or three that we molded them. But I don't pretend to predict what I mean, in what language I'm going to write. Sonorities are the first to come out, but is sense related to sonorities? Instead, on this album there are two songs in which I have not written the words, Larrain Joko is written by Aguxtin Alkhat and Kuskua Amaiur Epher. For those two songs, I had given them the theme; I wanted to name them, but since I don't write well, I asked them.
To some local groups singing in English, I notice the hunger for fame, the hunger for excitement more than the small audience of the Basques. I don't have that intuition with you. What's the audience you're looking for?
The answer has two faces: that of the disc and that of the direct one. As for the album, I publish it for people to be taught and what I hope is that some sensations will emerge; I want to emote the listener. I have been Hungarian with Laboa, Unama or Saioa and I have gathered great shakes. I'd like the listener to be shocked to hear the record. Who are they? I don't know, and I don't care; if it's not many, I just have two or five. Many are the best, but that's not what I'm looking for, I'd rather sink fewer people, but quickly.
That would mean not being on social networks.
As a listener, I do not take advantage of all that either. I have about twenty albums or cassettes, they're always the same, I don't know the new music every day. The process is very slow, because I do not think we should resort to quantity. But yes, there are thousands of artists on the Internet... All right, but I will not have time to get to know all the details! I prefer to hear eleven times until I know Laboa's album well, and not in a single day a lot of songs coming from all sides. I don't love the joke -- I don't love the quantity or the joke. That is why I am not using these means. I hope that the record I make is not jovial. I sell them very little, but I trust that whoever buys them will hear them again in twenty years’ time. I'm not looking for buzz, I don't want that game, I'm not in it. You interview me here, but I have not sought it. Furthermore, although I would not want to do so, in communication I am very bad and I am not interested at all. I have given all the energy to remember the guitar well, not to sing too badly, to put the micro well, to select the words… and besides that I have no energy to communicate.
The album, however, can be heard on the Internet, and also on Badok.
Yes. A year ago, when I joined that album, I didn't want that, but I realized that the disk format is used a lot. So I've taken records, very little, and I've given it on the internet. I want people to listen to my album, and for that I know they'll be looking for more on the Internet than in the record store. If I want people to be excited on the Internet, if I do the rebel to the point, the record wouldn't live. I'm not just on this planet, so if people want to, I'll give it to you.
And as for the direct one, do you have scheduled concerts?
I'm sorry -- a little bit. I don't want to do many concerts, I just have two or three concerts a year. However, I choose good conditions. What are they? Or at someone's house, or in a church. There are conditions that are not right, I will not do animation for a party. That's why I don't have many dates, and because I don't have a communication job, I don't find them! People won't call you on their own, you don't believe. But yeah, I'd like to have concerts. It's frustrating because when you have a date, it's a mission of the year, it happens and it ends ... And you'd like another one next weekend! [laughter]
Do you enjoy the concerts?
Yes! I have an incredible fear, more and more! Maybe if you have concerts every week that happens too? [laughter]
You are Euskaldun berri. Did the parents not pass you Euskera?
I didn't know a word in Basque and I learned at the age of seventeen. My mother is gargoyman, but I don't know -- we haven't learned. He was in Donibane Garazi's private school, he didn't belong to any of the ikastolas, Herri Urrats, and he didn't know him until he was fourteen. I decided between twelve and fourteen years that I wanted to be Euskaldun. I don't know how, but that's it. “What is that ‘euskaldun’? I want to be that! I decided to learn Basque to be Euskaldun.
You write and sing in Basque. Never in French?
No, I don't want it. I love some French singers, for example Bashung, but I can't sing in French, it bothers me a lot.
Do you want to stay alone, looking later?
I'd like to play or sing in a hardcore group, but I wouldn't want to get involved if it's not serious and that's why I don't have anything yet. If it is done, I would like it to be very strong: if it is to be strong, it should be very strong. It's a dream, it's not concrete. But to continue with Paco's name alone, that's right. I'd like to do some concerts and I have ideas for a third album. It will be.
Culture is not fundamental, the authorities say, and we have been without concert for almost a year.
That's silly. They say the fundamental and the healthy… but better than I no one knows what is healthy for me. I don't hear them word by word, if I need a concert or a book, they won't tell me what's essential to me.
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