The home and intestine of the shops, apparently, will make the joy of the press shops. In fact, in the last two or three weeks I have found the shelf in the press shop as delicately as if the desire to be random and to know, in the form of palliative consumption, had been exhausted. To such an extent, his eyes slid and they held my hand to dispel Le Chasseur Français.
To tell me the truth, the expansion of this newspaper is not due to serendipity, but to Le Chasseur Français, which I know, because I come from a family of hunters, so that during all the time of children and young people, we have rarely been able to take advantage of the family meal on Sundays, gathered all around the chicken, one after the other, because at the hour of the hour the parents arrived. Let's leave that detail.
Behold, the exciting dialogue of a hunter scout of the inhabitants of the Pyrenees echoed me for a long time.
"In a way, it's a natural selection standard. The raw destination. It is dangerous, because it implies that destiny is inevitable when it comes to being a loser, that there is no remedy."
I will summarize what I said. “Hunters thank us for the flocks. All herds, whether sheep, wild boar or goats, have a predator so as not to rule out their sick, weak, old and stimulating peers in the medium term. And it is not that the predator identifies them more slowly because they do so quickly, in small steps or at sorrows, but that they are given by the group” – in the conversation it certainly feels that it marked a moment of silence to inflame the effect. “At first the group faces the predator, as is normal, then flees, it is also a sign of impulse. But, after all, in a moment, the group is immobilized and changes direction, leaving the weak at the mercy of the hunter in the same place.” I would have made a silence before I went on again. “The worst thing is that sick animals sacrifice themselves” – silence. “You know it! They immediately abandon it! Sometimes he would throw himself out or be seen for the shot. You have to see it to believe it.”
The killing of the double-edged knife.
It is true that those who speak quickly, swiftly or forcefully are rarely threatened, and no one dares to do so. It is the norm of natural selection. The raw destination. It's dangerous, because it implies that fate is inevitable, that when it's up to you to be a loser, there's no choice, that games are made. It underlines the social parasite character of the right. And along the same lines, he says that the team cannot save you, even with the best will, that at a given moment solidarity is impossible or free in light of the great lottery. The concept of the herd is useless, because all its members, sooner or later, are dirty. At the same time, it is an unworthy proposal, because we have little to say to the victims or marginalized: if you have been assaulted, you have not to go, you lack if you have been hurt, because your attitude was not adequate, because your destiny was such, if your life is a failure, if you cannot find it, you must only get it to yourself, however weak it is, not enough, not enough, you cannot go well.
In other words, we should all read more and more Le Chasseur Français, if not to learn from ourselves, that it is a little necessary to reflect, to measure whether we are worth more than any flock of sheep or any boar, since the reading of the predator is just and proper for us. “You have to see it to believe it.”
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