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The beauty of doubt

Fruituaren bizimodua nolakoa, haren jo eta zanpatzetik eskuratuko dugun sagardo edo ardoa halakoa.

Wines were made in late summer and autumn. Apples, pears, grapes, fruit mixtures, etc. What result will they get? Who knows? Who is going to say in advance what they are going to give to the palate? If it is a question of steelmaking and viniculture, the elaboration of these wines is indeed art; it is art and fruit that has results,
works of arte.Estamos too accustomed to ciders and wines. In the winery, supposedly, the time to do things like every year, open the bottles every year and taste the result is the time of doubt. If things have been done on the path of good, that is, on the natural path, the result will not be bad, but there is always a doubt. The beauty of this doubt is hard to feel otherwise, it's a doubt that goes through the vein that connects the palate and the brain down the shortest, most beautiful path.

What influences the production of fruits so much so that every year, during the season, you can eat? The result we will taste in the bottle is associated with a year, the year in which the fruit harvest was produced that was used for its elaboration. The ecological conditions that occurred and lived that year (time, inclement of the land, etc.) They're the ones that set the pattern. They promised, and the tasting owes them. Until they drink, they'll come back to the table.

Uncertainty about this change from harvest to harvest is the most perverse factor. The rainy year will promote the diseases caused by fungi and reduce the quality of the fruit. If the rain is before harvest, the fruit will swell, clarifying the ingredients and the result. If it is a year with a lot of drought, the fruit will be scarce, but the quality can be excellent. Late spring ice can cut off the season or, worse still, spoil flowering or freshly fertilized fruit. Storms, premature autumn frost, etc. They have a huge impact on the fruit.

Whatever the way of life of the fruit, cider or wine we obtain from your beating and pressing. This supposed uniqueness of a few years is reflected in fearful and senseless prices. Disproportionate price variations of the beverage occur in one year or another, particularly in wines. I will be delighted to see the change that will take place in the cider world in the coming years. To do so, it is necessary to praise the importance of the native fruit. However, I prefer to throw away the bottle to those who each year avoid that crazy price.

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