What do you think of the La Lluita Seguita project?
Considering that today there are many young people who did not experience the murder of our son, the project is important because it will reach a lot of people we cannot reach. Despite the fact that 26 years have passed, it is essential to echo our struggle.
The producers of the film have chosen the perspective of the family as a starting point.
The choice of this starting point has been decisive. Personally, I find it curious, because I have always said that I don’t deserve to confess… Well, since they stole my son, if I wasn’t in the fight, I wouldn’t know how to live otherwise. Since their son was killed, my challenge has been to claim that his life and death were political: William was killed for his ideas and both justice and stakeholders wanted to sell him as a youth fight. It is essential to disassemble it.
Let's talk about judgment. How did you experience it?
I will always remember the looks that the killer nailed us. No shame. He made it clear that he was proud of what he had done. In addition, the court treated him perfectly, and we, as we had no experience at the beginning, believed that justice was going to be done. But when the first three days of the trial passed, we realized that the matter was badly painted.
The only one charged in this case, Pedro Cuevas, has been arrested for prevarication. Although the sentence sentenced him to sixteen years in prison, he was released after four years in prison and sentenced to imprisonment.
Yes, and later, he was the head of the Alianza Nacional [the Spanish Neo-Nazi Party] list, which proved to the justice that he had ideals, and then was tried in the Panzer case. However, they did not wish to continue to judge, claiming that there was no reason to be investigated. In view of what we are experiencing today, I often wonder how it is understood that my son’s killer is only four years in prison, and that, on the contrary, politicians imprisoned in Catalonia have greater penalties for allowing the vote. Apparently, that is democracy in Spain…
Do you think justice makes different readings according to each other's ideology?
Of course, something similar has happened to the young people of Altsasu as well. We have followed closely. They have our solidarity and we know how bad they are. They investigate the same fact differently from one another. Justice is very strict with some and too flexible with others.
Would the same happen if a young anti-fascist killed an extreme right-wing youth?
Not at all. They wanted to silence our son's case, but certainly when the victim is extreme right or extreme police, the trials usually have another follow-up. I repeat, there is nothing else to do with the trial of the young people of Altsasu.
In recent years, Guillem Agulló has become the symbol of the anti-fascist struggle in Valencia and in the Spanish state.
The truth is that in Valencia there was no interest at first, and in Catalonia there was no interest. This movement has been instrumental in not feeling alone. In part, Guillem’s struggle has remained alive. As David Fernández says, our son was the germ of the anti-fascist movement.
On many occasions you have said that you lost a son, but that eleven were born in the Catalan countries. Have you felt overwhelmed all these years?
The first few years aren't. We felt lonely. But little by little, the movement began to explode and the fear changed sides. What's more, the first ones to lose fear were us, because we didn't have anything else since he was killed. Who would have been able to fight otherwise?
And have the institutions supported you?
Not at all. In recent years there has been some attempt to have a clean conscience. In Valencia, the fear on the right is still too great, so they have never wanted to get into this issue.
Do you need to do justice?
The extreme right-wing courts of the time left this matter nicely adorned, so they will not do justice. But we have won our fight, because today everyone knows that our son's murder was political, and not a clash between young people, as the sentence stated. We continue to fight for Guillem's memory to curb the rise of the far right. We are many and it is important to be united.
It's been 26 years. The extreme right is increasing all over the world, as in the Spanish Courts there are more than 50 Members. What do you think?
It is scary, but after all they have always been there: now it is the VOX party, before the PP or Citizens. They are the same and have long wanted to spread the message of hatred. Now, it's true, you're more daring.
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