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Stronger together

  • Because without racism, from feminism, we want to live in sexual diversity and in Basque. Under this slogan, in the unusual photo, we have seen the agents fighting in four struggles on International Human Rights Day. The Observatory on Linguistic Rights wishes to address this direction: bringing linguistic rights closer to other collective societies and showing the commitment of language defenders themselves to other human rights.
Argazkian, Ibai Fresnedo (Harro! plataforma), Alazne Beltran de Lubiano (Euskal Herriko Bilgune Feminista), Agurne Gaubeka (Hizkuntz Eskubideen Behatokia) eta Melvin Ngounou (Ongi Etorri Errefuxiatuak). Abenduaren 10ean, Giza Eskubideen Nazioarteko Egunea
Argazkian, Ibai Fresnedo (Harro! plataforma), Alazne Beltran de Lubiano (Euskal Herriko Bilgune Feminista), Agurne Gaubeka (Hizkuntz Eskubideen Behatokia) eta Melvin Ngounou (Ongi Etorri Errefuxiatuak). Abenduaren 10ean, Giza Eskubideen Nazioarteko Egunean bildu ziren lau eragileak Andoainen. Argazkia Hizkuntz Eskubideen Behatokiak utzia da.

The invitation was made by the Harro Linguistic Rights Observatory! The LGBTI platform, Euskal Herriko Bilgune Feminist and ongi Etorri Errefuxiatuak. They wanted that day to be a milestone. This has been reported to us by Agurne Gaubeka, recently appointed director: “So far we have called for linguistic rights in isolation, or at least only, and we have considered it a time to take a step, that when we talk about human rights we also talk about language rights and that the Observatory should assume other human rights.”

Beyond the December 10 photo what? The Centre is in progress and will continue to be in contact with the agents of the grass-roots movement. They want to bring them closer to the issue of language rights and talk about the measures and commitments that associations can take internally. Work will be done on 10 December this year to bring together more agents. For example, they would like to join associations related to functional diversity.

Are linguistic rights more excluded?

The three agents responded positively to the invitation. We have asked Gaubeka if it is easy to make alliances and get other groups to assert language rights, and he has responded that no, that many do not dare to add to the claim ‘I want to live in Basque’: “Many people believe that if they defend language rights they move too politically. Some people, political groups and institutions have clear rights in favour of racism, feminism and the LGBTI movement, but language rights are not a fundamental right for them. It’s politics for them, it’s politics in the negative sense.”

They have found associations that have very well worked their discourse and have problems positioning themselves in the demands of other agents, put obstacles or are a challenge for them. Associations include individuals willing to integrate into linguistic rights, but it is more difficult for the group to take steps. Not everything is impossible, however, Gaubeka has highlighted the relationship between feminism and cultural activity in Basque. They have been made easy to join Bilgune Feminist, as this movement has already come a way in demanding language rights. Based on a concrete example, he referred to the whispering figure used in meetings and in different events. This figure allows internal and external sessions to be held in Basque, while those who do not understand it are accompanied by someone who makes an ear translation.

Need to face the same enemy

Proud! The platform member, Ibai Fresnedo, believes that the trend of making alliances is being consolidated, and besides having their opinion, they also perceive it in the LGBTI platform. They represent their platform in full relation to human rights and are comfortable in claiming linguistic rights. Not two years ago the platform was set up, but on two occasions they have taken part in concrete actions with other actors. On 21 September, the metallurgy sector was manifested by the streets of the Basque capital. In the morning the platform participated in its demonstration and in the afternoon the platform and the metal workers demonstrated under the motto Harro ez da €uropride. On 10 December, International Human Rights Day, he joined the three agents we have mentioned. The general strike will take place on 30 January, under the slogan For a job, a pension and a dignified life.

September 21, Harro! members of the platform in the manifestation of metal. Photo: Proud! Platform.

Fresnedo believes that alliances are necessary if capitalism, colonialism and patriarchy are to be tackled: “Each partnership will have to look at what unites us. Everyone will continue in their struggle, but as a people we have to have a broader vision. We have to take advantage of the meeting points”.

A myth that is an obstacle to fostering coexistence

Mikel Álvarez is a member of the ONGI platform Etorri Errefuxiatuak. He told us that they felt the need to participate in something like the appearance on Human Rights Day: “If we talk about human rights, we must act without ranking them, both as regards language rights, as well as the rights of migrants and social rights. The progression of human rights makes no sense.” With the appearance they wanted to break a myth that both migrants and many of those born believe that the Basque country hinders the construction of coexistence. The attendance of the four seemed a good opportunity to overcome the contradiction.

Álvarez, on the other hand, has the same feeling as Gaubeka, as connecting with the demands that are not their own is not so easy. Ongi Etorri Errefuxiatuak is a plural platform, there are people from very different backgrounds, people with many political and social views: “It is one thing to take part in an act such as that of December 10 and another is to put these demands into practice on a daily basis.” He recognizes that they have a lot of work to do, but believes that this step has been well taken inside the house, that is, the Basque is not a difficulty, but a positive element.

Álvarez easily links language rights and the rights of migrants, the platform addresses the issue of migration, but also cultural diversity. “If we are committed to cultural diversity, the Basque is of particular importance.”

Gaubeka said that they gave a small start, that the Centre is very keen to open the way. Establish alliances and transfer language rights to the front line.

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