2019 has been a special year for ARGIA, an example of this is this number that you have in your hands. Turning a hundred years is not an easy achievement, even more so for a small media outlet in Basque. The celebrations have taken different forms throughout this year and, as could not be otherwise, they have also sought to bring the celebrations closer to the rural natural environment: on 23 November a special day took place in Duzunza entitled “111 steps in the 100-year landscape”, organized in cooperation with EHKOlektiboa and the Land of Tomorrow Association (BLE).
About 80 people congregated this Saturday in the Garazi region, in Baja Navarra, to deal with rain and cold. Jon Harlouchet picked them up at the Idiartia estate, at 10:30 in the morning. From there, the attendees took a tour of the town of Duzunaritze, accompanied by Jakoba Errekondo’s explanations about the landscape there. From the plants, Errekondo referred to food, mysticism, death, colors or language.
Back to the farm, the walker heated the broths prepared by EHKOlektiboa and BLE. Later, on the block, the Harlouchet, father and son, offered a talk in the amphitheater of straw shafts to the attendees, explaining the history of the finca, publicizing the changes and improvements that have occurred in recent years and the importance of acting in the ecological model. The attendees also had the opportunity to learn about the work of the association Arto Gorriak, a member of Harlouchet.
At noon they enjoyed a good meal in the wood loft of the farm, made with local organic products. After eating, Subai Hill made the attendees smile, getting a humorous monologue and verses. Then, Errekondo presented the last book he has published with Argia: 111 leaves and leaves. A number of the members who participated in the book then appeared: Itxaro Borda, Subai Colina and Pantxika Maitia talked about the knowledge of the land from the cultural sphere. At the end of the day, Borda read the text The Future of Clay, accompanied by the music of Ibon RG and with the participation of the bertsos of Colina. A round day for a circle of centenarians!
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