This attitude is as obscene as it is cruel as concrete data on economic and social reality is presented. Caritas has recently shown very suspicious signs of organisation in the Foesa Euskadi 2019 report. The CAV has accounted for 334,000 people in situations of exclusion – that is, 15.2 per cent of the population – and another 90,000 people “excluded from society” are also in a critical situation. In 50,000 homes they suffer from unhealthy conditions and in 25,000 they live in overcrowded conditions.
Overspending puts 233,000 citizens on the threshold of poverty; 31,000 families live in "unstable housing" at risk of expulsion; and 69,000 families have stopped buying medicines or following diets due to economic hardship. In 62,000 households, all adults have some form of disability, chronic illness or serious health problems, while in 26,000 households there are dependents who do not receive help.
While the rest of society is improving, this picture of social exclusion and poverty shows that in the CAPV inequality is increasing.
And, in view of this, to think of abolishing the wealth tax, which amounts to an annual income of EUR 180 million, would be another slap in the face for those who are suffering from it. Not only that, it would also prove once again that the Basque Government is subjected to the wildest capitalism. The CAPV is not a social oasis, but a tax oasis for great fortunes!
They were all in food and drink, seemingly cheerful, but some were nervous between snacks and appetizers. He would receive the prize for the second time, but he would be the first to have it in his hands. And I was nervous because the reminder had to get to the office, damn it.... [+]
Even if things change quickly and vividly, some things don’t change: The Light Awards event is one of them. This is what an outside journalist who has come to this chronicler in need has told him, along with the fact that LUZ has changed a lot before the awards ceremony... [+]
Irureta Azkun made an appointment on behalf of the LAR team:
"One of the thousands who make up the LUZ community has recently told us that sometimes LUZ is dark, that there is hard news that moves it inside. That we're doing a good job, but the bad news is knocking his throat... [+]