The fog of chiribitil drags us like the male, and drags us back into a winter atmosphere. When crane lines were sitting in the sky, in a bouquet, they told us about children that a cold fell. The passage is audible, screaming like they fight. It's as audible as it is spectacular, after the pillow you draw the sky of lines, forming the triangle behind the triangle.
Because of its triangular shape, even crane is called a special one. The sandy teeth, nestled in the wooden patio of the area, perform this triangular shape on the ground. Crane line.
Even in the land that has burned the crane you can sow or plant many things in this season. November and December, fall and fall, is a good time to sow and plant. Crops are now sown, as are winter legumes, beans (Vicia faba) and peas (Pisum sativum). The onion (Allium cepa) is also grown. Garlic (Allium sativum) is also sown. Sowing or planting? In fact, the seed is not sown, but a part of the garlic head is introduced into the subsoil. This fragment is called garlic eye in our house. It has many names: garlic, garlic, garlic, garlic, garlic, garlic. In recent times, the latter, the section, is preferred.
The crane ends in the southern Bravas, where enough food can be found for the winter. In the centre of the Iberian Peninsula there are hundreds of thousands of people doing winter tourism. They flee there from the cold and dark winter of northern Europe, but also because they are awaiting good fodder. It is said that the crane cycle is attached to the acorn. The crane pass occurs when the acorn is ripe. The same time you push one south, you push the other. The most important ingredient in the crust diet is the acorn, of the people of Quercus: art (Q. ilex), cork (Q. suber) and oak (Quercus spp. ).
In addition to the acorn, the crane also loves the cultivation. Starting in the middle of the fall, the growing fields are sown. Lots of seeds on the ground, at the crane peak. When they eat those who are left on the ground, they eat badly, but when they are hungry, with their long peak they spell the subsoil well. Sometimes they cause significant damage.
As the cranes have passed, the acorns have arrived. And it's the time to sow crops and acorns.
Festa egiteko musika eta kontzertu eskaintza ez ezik, erakusketak, hitzaldiak, zine eta antzerki ikuskizunak eta zientoka ekintza kultural antolatu dituzte eragile ugarik Martxoaren 8aren bueltarako. Artikulu honetan, bilduma moduan, zokorrak gisa miatuko ditugu Euskal Herriko... [+]
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