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Women footballers also have rights

Inequality, discrimination, precariousness and injustice are fully integrated into the daily lives of women. Now in the world of football, we're revealed to that hidden world.

The footballers of the Basque Country and the Spanish State who are members of the Iberdrola League have been on strike during the weekend. In addition to equal pay for male footballers, players demand that they be recognised as professionals, that they have a collective agreement and that their labour rights be respected. The minimum wage per half-day is EUR 12,000, but employers (clubs) are prepared to ensure only EUR 8,000 half-day. It should be noted that most players are players for 24 hours, as their real profession is football.

We must acknowledge and applaud the decision of the women footballers, who have come to the strike with all legitimacy, because their situation is absolutely unfair: marginalised and in precarious condition. In the world of sport, a strike has rarely been carried out, and surely this one of the women has been the first in general.

The strike is a further step towards the realization of women’s rights. In this long struggle against the hydra of the patriarchy (oppression, exploitation, domination and colonization) many women have also given their lives. We know his struggle at least since the 14th or 15th centuries, but it was cigarreras, cerpetitists, workers in the textile sector who starred in the first feminist strikes in Euskal Herria, Catalonia and Andalusia and who showed the way to posterity.

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