Nuances in the nuances, all the political parties – both in the Spanish State and in the Basque Country South – have stood in favour of decent pensions and claim equality between women and men, both in the social and in the labour sphere. Both pensions and equality affect us all, whether we are old or young. The time has therefore come for us to call for these promises to be kept.
The Government of Spain that is set up after the election night should take the necessary measures to shield pensions and equality. But it would not only shield it, it would put it in value, and it should increase the minimum remuneration that millions of widows and citizens receive. Pensioners who are moving on the streets must be treated by pensioners and a minimum pension of EUR 1,200 must be established. Autonomous governments also have a responsibility in this area, as well as resources, to supplement these pensions. On equality, it is also clear: the same work, the same salary.
That requires money. And there are. How can we achieve this? Recovering the EUR 60 billion granted to banks in times of crisis; imposing a special tax on banks, large companies and multinationals; pursuing tax havens; reducing the bill for the military and the Royal House; returning the money stolen from corruption…
If this plan is to succeed, and if wages, health services or education are to be improved, it is enough to have political will. The responsibility lies with the Government of Spain, but also with Urkullu, Chivite and all those who have spoken during the legislature.
Remember when the first bite was: 28 April 2019. Because it coincided with the elections in Spain. It happened in the most stupid way: when he took the voting role of the party that always votes – by tradition, by conformism, even by a point of abouga – and put it in the... [+]
It is no wonder that the Greek party Syriza and the former lehendakari Tsipras have not been seen or heard at all in this campaign, despite, I believe, the Greek experience. Deliberately forgotten to the people, but very present in the campaign designs. Remember the programme... [+]
"All politicians are equal." Every time I hear this phrase, I get impatience. The same impatience that I experience when I hear someone proclaim to be a politician or a citizen of the world.
It also happens to me with other rounds of another kind: they can be lighter – in a... [+]
To listen to the full session: