The wording of the German Der Spiegel, written on 18 October in the analysis “What Syrian Devoured Means for the Middle East and Europe”, can be an example of the concerns of the European authorities: “The situation in Syria is that the Americans have left, the Turks have entered, the Kurds have escaped and the Russians are trying to slow down the progress of the Turks. The dictator in Damascus must be pleased because, with the help of Moscow, he will soon be back in control of Syria the largest mass slaughterhouse in the twenty-first century. (...) The withdrawal of the United States from northern Syria and the decisions of that region are in the hands of the autrigours Putin, Erdogan and Assad, and the dangers on the European horizon are obvious.”
The citizen currently interested in international affairs will very rarely see a chain of accelerated events such as that which took place in those days in October. A few hours after Yankee soldiers left positions in northern Syria, Turkish soldiers began attacking the region, causing the YPG militia, which until then had the support of the United States, to call Bashar al-Assad to negotiate and immediately begin in the custody of the Russian military.
A video containing images of the American withdrawal, shot at a military base next to Mambij, has been mentioned a great deal: sand-coloured napkins in the desert and in which the military rushed to abandon the facilities, bathrooms, refrigerators, Coca Cola cans, fuel tanks... And diesel engines going on! The next day, American planes bombed the base to avoid new images of this kind of humiliation.
However... some experts have anticipated that the entire chain of events has been produced on the basis of a script prepared previously so that the four main forces involved in the conflict can establish a new balance and justify the movements that Erdogan, Putin, Assad and Trump must make at the same time. The blog Moon of Alabama, which we have already mentioned on these pages, is one of those who defend this thesis, as the one who has credibility was already ahead long before the place where they were going to shoot.
Moon of Alabama, in line with Elijah Magnier and other experts, announced that the “Win-win-win Plan” (the four winners) was already underway in the region, which has been ratified over the weeks: "I was thinking that Turkey would invade northeast Syria to give Trump a reason to withdraw U.S. troops. It was also designed to put pressure on the Kurdish forces to accept the mandate of the Syrian Government. Russia had already organised the replacement of the Kurdish forces by the Damascus troops, whose movements were coordinated with the US military. Turkey had recognized that the control of the region by the Syrian Government was a sufficient guarantee to reassure the concern that the Kurdish guerrillas and a proto-Kurdish state maintained on their border.”
According to this analysis, everyone is satisfied with the win-win-win state. Erdogan has shown that he has successfully faced the PKK and the attempt to create a Kurdish proto-state on the border. Trunp can deliver on U.S. troops returning to their homes from pointless distant wars, as promised in the elecciones.Siria regains northeastern territory, including large resources. Russia has gained prestige in the world and has increased its influence in the Middle East, where it has brought down the powerful army of happy states Unidos.Todos, with the exception of the Kurds. These are the main losers of this game and they've come back to the point where they left.
But how has Russia managed to be the main guardian of the Middle East, losing the fear of the United States, which until recently seemed like an invincible empire? There could be an explanation for dealing with the powerful American army in these years, especially in the new weapons and strategies developed by Russia and, in part, by China and Iran.
When the missiles EE.UU. can't pass
As has already been mentioned in many years, in the face of the revolutionary leap in the United States with the most advanced technologies in militancy – Revolution in Military Affairs – the smaller powers have also done their homework in the preparations for war. These are the righteous who are getting Andréi Martyanov with The (Real) Revolution in Military Affairs.
Martyanov, who has been an official of the Soviet Army and lives in the United States today, says that the true revolution has not been carried out by the United States but by Russia, creating new weapons that the Americans cannot dominate. And that, by losing the previous military hegemony, EE.UU. It has also lost geopolitical hegemony.
The tone of the new times was given by Vladimir Putin at a joint press conference with Ankaran Erdogan and Rouhani of Iran on 16 September, according to video footage. The Yemeni rebels had just attacked the largest oil refinery in Saudi Arabia, the largest in Saudi Arabia. See questions and answers:
–Journalist: Does Russia intend to help Saudi Arabia?
– Putin: We are prepared to give Saudi Arabia the help it needs to defend itself. The decision has to be made by the Saudi leaders, as did the Iranians by purchasing S-300 missile systems and President Erdogan by purchasing the S-400 Triumph system against Russian air vessels. They would serve to protect the infrastructures of Saudi Arabia with guarantees.
– A Rouhan: So ... Should you buy the S-300 or the S-400?
– Putin: They are the ones who have to decide.
And all three of them laughed.
In fact, the expensive and sophisticated weapons that the United States has sold to Saudi Arabia are developed for the American strategy, they serve for the attack, but not for the external attacks: their protection systems were not able to detect and destroy drones and missiles much cheaper than the rebels sent by Yemen. In Syria, however, it has been seen that the support systems that the Russians have built were effective, thanks to which Assad remains in power.
But, in addition, in 2018, Russia presented new, even more sophisticated, hypersonic weapons, with a speed at the bottom superior to that of its enemies. The Russian Defense Minister explained what differentiated them from the US strategy: “We don’t need airships, what we need are weapons to sink them.” And by the way, they're offered to China to work together.
As is being seen in Syria, there has been a great change in the military relations of force in the world and that is now being reflected in geopolitics. Europe will also be affected by relocation.
Turkish helicopters and fighter aircraft cover the sky in the Kurdish area in northern Iraq. The Turkish Air Force has bombed 381 sites in the major military operation in recent weeks in the Kurdistan Autonomous Region (DRC). The Turkish Ministry of Defence has stated that "the... [+]
Urtzi Urrutikoetxea nazioarteko kazetariarekin mintzatu gara Radio Kobanen, iaz idatzitako Kurdistan-Argi bat ekialde hurbilean liburuari buruz. Testuak azken urteetako gertakizunei erreparatzen die, eta atzerago ere begiratzen du herri kurduaren egoera politikoa eta... [+]