Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Basque champion and believer

A acquaintance was astonished in the street: “Piter, you with the txapela?” I was more surprised, because since I was young I have dressed her during the winters. A long time ago, most Basques were on their way. Now it looks like an exception.

Having dinner next to each other, a famous Basque rock musician asked me: “Being so clear, how can you be a believer? It must be agnostic.” Thanking him for being notified, he replies immediately: “Like all honored believers, I am an agnostic.” Before, our religious landscape was uniform. Currently, landscapes are not appreciated.

We have more unforeseen beliefs than we think about people. I firmly believe that although there are struggles that cannot be won, the effort for them is good for oneself and for humanity.

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I love art, also the tree and the artists. I have no problem. This gives me great thoughts, especially when I feel the presumed artists as salespeople, opening falsely cheap philosophical speeches “in exchange for a currency.”

The art exhibition of Jon Bienzobas, former ETB member, has made the project known. The representative of the Basque Government referred to the "ethical imperative" to call for its closure in the Basque Country. This intervention by Cristina Iglesias on the lantern of the island of Santa Clara of Donostia-San Sebastián has been given great praise and public money.

Despite the solidarity, progressive, ecological and topical expressions of convenience that people want, stupidity turns people into stupid and harmful to all.

Bienzobas is in jail. Painting a prisoner is fine with the redeeming sense of the prison. Emptying the lighthouse house on an island surrounded by sea rocks and squandering at least EUR 1 million does not seem to me to be good news to put a kind of sculpture that mimics the sea rocks inside. Not even with the promise that it will allow itself to be reflected upon the state of the seas. Better looking at the sea than the shrub rocks – which looks perfectly from the lighthouse and sometimes to the rock. And it's much better to reflect on the damage of Donostia's fireworks, which are very polluting.

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I am also convinced that, despite expressions of solidarity, progressive, ecological and topical convenience, stupidity makes people stupid and harmful to everyone.

In Palestine, the hometown of the teacher of believing Christians, there is no ethical imperative for those metro wagons that CAF wants to do. There the fires are not fireworks, but real ones. I'm an academic champion of obstinate agnostic honor. Antiques.

Electricity consumption in the Spanish State stagnates at 2004 levels
The Electricity Network of Spain has reported that electricity consumption in the Spanish State in June was as follows: 19,422 gigawatts per hour. That is, very similar to the 2004 data: then there were 19,384 Gigawatios.

The High Court of Justice of the Basque Country has decided to abolish the measure of inclusion of distinctive colours in the judgments on gender violence in Bilbao
The two Courts of Violence against Women in Bilbao have approved this measure, which is already open. The Dean judge of Bilbao, Aner Uriarte, has assured that the measure has been adopted with the aim of protecting and not revictimizing women, but the Bar Association of Bilbao... [+]

From the mountain to the city: What does the work of the medicinal plants of the Pyrenees hide?
In the 19th and 20th centuries, it was common to see women in the streets of major cities in a spectacular traditional costume selling medicinal plants. They were from Anso, in the Aragonese valley of Ansó. An exhibition tells us its history and shows us the important economy... [+]

2024-08-30 | Gedar
Pedro Sánchez calls for the deportation of migrants
The PSOE Government wants to promote a "circular migration" that allows some workers to migrate to the Spanish State in order to carry out a series of temporary work and then to return to their countries of origin.

Hungarian group Ganz MaVag withdraws its offer to buy talgo
Ganz MaVag says that it does not refuse to make a new purchase offer for the railway company in the future. Thanks to the action of the Hungarian team, Talgo can hear new proposals.

2024-08-30 | ARGIA
Polio vaccination starts Sunday in Gaza
On Sunday, the ceasefire will begin to carry out polio vaccination, from 6:00 in the morning until 15:00. The operation, announced by the World Health Organization (WHO), will take place in nine days in three areas: North, Central and South.

Report the death of Amezketa's trash worker
A 30-year-old worker died this early morning in the trash of the company Amezketa (Gipuzkoa). Ibarra was subcontracted by Argi Lanak. A repulsive rally took place this Friday, at 11:00 a.m., to denounce the facts. LAB has indicated that this is the number 38 that died in 2024.

2024-08-30 | Axier Lopez
Trinidad and Tobago begins to eliminate the remains of Spanish and British colonialism
The people and the government have begun to question the monuments, studies and appointments that exist in the two Caribbean islands for the glory of colonialism. The authorities have taken the first step and have decided to withdraw the three arms of the country from the first... [+]

2024-08-30 | ARGIA
Three good albums this year and recommended
The writing of Argia has selected three albums from the eight months of this year to recommend them.

Shell and pulp

Iñaki Beraetxe said this in the Basque Country: “I believe that in Euskal Herria we have made a serious mistake by giving so much importance to the continents [to appearance], and to consideration [to content] nothing. Things are like this in all capitals, where great... [+]

South Korean feminists report misimages of sexual content spread in schools
The images show young girls broadcasting them via Telegram. A social media campaign will be launched on 1 September for action by the Government.

European Mobility Week to be held from 16 to 22 September in Pamplona
Pamplona joins the European Mobility Week, held from 16 to 22 September, with a programme full of activities designed to promote sustainable mobility and reflection on shared public space. Under the motto "combine and move", the City Hall has proposed several initiatives to reduce... [+]

2024-08-29 | Sustatu
In Switzerland they say: Public money, public code
Switzerland adopted a pioneering federal law a few weeks ago (pioneering European legislation), the LMETA, translated into Basque by Loi fédérale sur l’utilisation de moyens électroniques pour l’exécution des autorités: Federal law on the use of electronic means in the... [+]

2024-08-29 | Gedar
The military expenditure of the Spanish Government is even higher than budgeted
In 2022, military investment was 20% higher than that approved in the annual budget, and in 2023, 30% higher. The military spending of the European countries at the moment is higher than at the end of the Cold War.

2024-08-29 | ARGIA
Real threats... and real opportunities

The following infographic is based on the report number 55 of the Delàs Peace Research Center of Catalonia, published in October 2022. In the report, Xavier Bohigas, Pere Brunet, Teresa de Fortuny, Anna Montull García and Pere Ortega analysed in depth the links between... [+]

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