A acquaintance was astonished in the street: “Piter, you with the txapela?” I was more surprised, because since I was young I have dressed her during the winters. A long time ago, most Basques were on their way. Now it looks like an exception.
Having dinner next to each other, a famous Basque rock musician asked me: “Being so clear, how can you be a believer? It must be agnostic.” Thanking him for being notified, he replies immediately: “Like all honored believers, I am an agnostic.” Before, our religious landscape was uniform. Currently, landscapes are not appreciated.
We have more unforeseen beliefs than we think about people. I firmly believe that although there are struggles that cannot be won, the effort for them is good for oneself and for humanity.
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I love art, also the tree and the artists. I have no problem. This gives me great thoughts, especially when I feel the presumed artists as salespeople, opening falsely cheap philosophical speeches “in exchange for a currency.”
The art exhibition of Jon Bienzobas, former ETB member, has made the project known. The representative of the Basque Government referred to the "ethical imperative" to call for its closure in the Basque Country. This intervention by Cristina Iglesias on the lantern of the island of Santa Clara of Donostia-San Sebastián has been given great praise and public money.
Despite the solidarity, progressive, ecological and topical expressions of convenience that people want, stupidity turns people into stupid and harmful to all.
Bienzobas is in jail. Painting a prisoner is fine with the redeeming sense of the prison. Emptying the lighthouse house on an island surrounded by sea rocks and squandering at least EUR 1 million does not seem to me to be good news to put a kind of sculpture that mimics the sea rocks inside. Not even with the promise that it will allow itself to be reflected upon the state of the seas. Better looking at the sea than the shrub rocks – which looks perfectly from the lighthouse and sometimes to the rock. And it's much better to reflect on the damage of Donostia's fireworks, which are very polluting.
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I am also convinced that, despite expressions of solidarity, progressive, ecological and topical convenience, stupidity makes people stupid and harmful to everyone.
In Palestine, the hometown of the teacher of believing Christians, there is no ethical imperative for those metro wagons that CAF wants to do. There the fires are not fireworks, but real ones. I'm an academic champion of obstinate agnostic honor. Antiques.
Otsailaren 28an Hendaian eman dio hasiera kanpainari Herri Urratsek. Euskararen transmisioa bermatzen duen Seaska babestea da helburua.
Gizonak ustez Ortuellako Jendea futbol taldean zuen posizioa baliatu zuen umeari argazkiak egiteko. Ertzaintzak ikerketa abiatu du eta aurretik antzerako salaketak zituela jaso dute.
Agintari gutxik aitortzen dute publikoki, disimulurik eta konplexurik gabe, multinazional kutsatzaileen alde daudela. Nahiago izaten dute enpresa horien aurpegi berdea babestu, “planetaren alde” lan egiten ari direla harro azpimarratu, eta kutsadura eta marroiz... [+]
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Poliziaren eta manifestarien arteko talkek atxilotu eta zauritu ugari utzi dituzte ostiralean herrialdeko hiri nagusietan. Herritarrek gertatukoaren erantzuleak zigortzea eskatu diote gobernuari, ez baita oraindik istripuaren inguruko epaiketarik ireki. Greba orokorra deitu... [+]
Hala iragarri du Keir Starmer Erresuma Batuko lehen ministroak Londresen eginiko goi bileran. Etxe Zurian Trumpek Zelenskiren aurka egin ostean, izandako eztabaidaren aurrean, Europako buruzagiek babesa adierazi diote Ukrainako presidenteari.
Elizak 23 kasu ditu onarturik Nafarroa Garaian. Haiek "ekonomikoki, psikologikoki eta espiritualki laguntzeko" konpromisoa adierazi du Iruñeko artzapezpikuak.
Karbankulu pomelatua "garai batean gure bizilagun Francisco Casanova hil zutenen ideiak babesten dituztenek erabilitako ikurra" dela, adierazi du Noelia Guerra UPNko Castejoneko alkateak, eta sinbolo "ez ofizialak" udalaren espazioetan erabiltzea... [+]
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Elkarretaratzea egin zuen Aiaraldeko Mendiak Bizirik plataformak atzo Laudioko Lamuza plazan, Mugagabe Trail Lasterketaren testuinguruan.
Martxoaren 2an igandea Iruinkokoak berriz ere Iruñeko karrikak hartu ditu.
EH Bilduk sustatuta, Hondarribiako udalak euskara sustatzeko diru-laguntzetan aldaketak egin eta laguntza-lerro berri bat sortu du. Horri esker, erabat doakoak izango dira euskalduntze ikastaroak, besteak beste.
Martxoak 3ko sarraskiaren 49. urteurrena beteko da astelehenean. Grebetan eta asanblada irekietan oinarritutako hilabetetako borroka gero eta eraginkorragoa zenez, odoletan itotzea erabaki zuten garaiko botereek, Trantsizioaren hastapenetan. Martxoak 3 elkartea orduan... [+]
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