17 years later, in 1589, he became the first king of France of the House of Bourbon. Henry III of Navarra and IV of France until his death in 1610.
His contemporaries called him Bon Roi, a good king. But his two wives, Margarita de Valois (1572-1599) and María de Médicis (1600-1610), did not have such a good husband; the king’s habit of visiting the rooms of others was known. And apparently, this trend towards disloyalty became a tradition among the Bourbons, jumping from the French throne to the Spanish. In both kingdoms the Bourbons would leave a long list of bastards.
In the mid-19th century, numerous rumours about Isabel II of Spain and her husband Francisco de Assisi spread both in the court and in the press. The Bourbons in Ball (The Bourbons in Red Skin) were also the authors of a set of 89 satellite images in which Elisabet, Francisco and others in the court were sexually explicit and, according to the experts, the authors of drawings and texts were the brothers Valerian and Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer.
The only queen of the dynasty received a humorous critique, but the old and new chroniclers have had the tendency to relieve the sins of the previous and subsequent kings, using euphemisms – Juan Karlos I.aren is still referred to as “special friends” – or attributing it to genetics – a 2012 article quoted literally the “gene of the infidelity of the bourbons”. And they have not called into question the “conquests” of the monarchs in which women expressed themselves with desire, under pressure or with violence.
And as for Henry III.ari, this supposed occurrence of the king has been used to justify the antipathies that had occurred: The confessor of Henry, disturbed by the conduct of that man, threatened the king not to pay him so easily from then on, if he did not really demonstrate his intention to amend. Repentant, the king invited him to eat with him every day, trusting that his advice would help guide his attitude during the meal. However, Enrique ordered that he be prepared on a daily basis for a cure. A few days later, fed always the same, the confessor confessed to him: “It’s an honor to receive an invitation to eat every day at this table, but every day on time...” And the king said, “Well, I have the same thing with the queen.”
Well, a lot of them do the same for the Bourbons.
Despite the fact that two centuries have passed, the problem of La Plutónica cannot be allowed to fade in the well of oblivion. In addition to 200 years ago to learn about the history of La Plutónica, we must go back to the other side of the ocean, Montevideo.
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