For Jon Abril, what is Elhuyar?
For the last seven years it has been a place of work, and it has given me the opportunity to know an aspect that I did not know so much about in Euskera, and to immerse myself in new areas from the Basque Country. Surely, of those I have had, it has been one of the most interesting and enriching work experiences. Perhaps the most interesting thing is its enormous amount of relations and collaborations: there is a close relationship with the agents of the Basque world, but also with the university world, research, public administration and private companies. I find it very interesting to be able to influence this type of entity and agents from the Basque Country.
Science is one of Elhuyar's own spaces. Does the Basque Country have a place in that world?
Yes, certainly, and in addition, in recent years production has increased enormously: as Basques have learned science in the university, more and more studies are being done in Euskera, and more and more knowledge is being generated, and that also requires that all that is generated be expanded.
I mean, you can do it in Basque about quantum physics.
No doubt. Perhaps, in society as a whole, there can still be such prejudices. But I can say that in the scientific community it is not, that it has long been overcome, because it has been shown that it is possible, that it is done. As [Pedro Miguel] Etxenike said in his day, two things are enough: to know quantum physics and to know Basque.
And conversely, what is the place of science in the Basque world?
It costs, but it's not just a problem for the Basque Country, but for today's society. On the one hand, we have a tremendously technological and technificated society, but from the point of view of knowledge they are discredited spaces, forgotten, not only of science, but also of many other fields of knowledge. However, we see that in any decision, the dissemination of science can greatly help, from the challenges that technology poses to us every day to the measures that need to be taken in the face of climate change. Maybe science doesn't have all the answers, but it can help in the path of a better society. A more educated society in literature, the humanities, the human sciences and the sciences will often be a better society.
How did Elhuyar get to specialize in linguistics from the dissemination of science?
The founders of Elhuyar were clear that they wanted to promote science in Euskera, and that brought with it the need for a technical Basque. We are talking about the 1970s: the Basque Country batua had recently been created and still in terms... In addition, it must have both technical language and informative language. That is why all facets of the language have been developed within Elhuyar.
In the linguistic field, what are you working on?
Among other things, in the field of new technologies, we are developing a series of products related to big data or artificial intelligence, because we see a void: it is increasingly common to give voice orders to technological devices, but these systems do not know the Basque. We are working to make this a reality, and for our devices to also be the Basque, on the other hand, when these smart speakers come in, the Spanish will also be introduced and will prevail.
Linguistic habits will also have to be influenced, as we still associate technology with Spanish.
Yes, this is entirely evident in the operating systems and programs of computers. There are means of putting them in Basque. I think the .eus foundation recently took the data: about 70% of the devices can have their software in Euskera, but only 4% of the Basques have it in Euskera. Surely because we have become accustomed to the languages in Spanish, but also because there are many leaps and a lot of ignorance. From time to time, I have to hear that it's complicated to understand Euskera on the devices, but when we first saw those menus in Spanish, we didn't understand them, and they're common today. Everyone has to challenge himself.
What are yours in terms of the direction you just received?
Looking inside the house, I would mention two challenges: one, making a greener organization in relation to the climate emergency; and two, being a more egalitarian organization. We are a totally feminized organization, 75% of women workers are women, we have an equality plan, we have protocols against sexual harassment, we have worked hard in conciliation… but our organization is also a reflection of what happens in society, and I believe that we must continue to delve into it, especially from the point of view of attention.
And looking out?
In Elhuyar's DNA, there's always been the idea of collaboration, and in recent years we've been more careful about new collaborations in areas that haven't been explored so far, which has sometimes made people who have been closest and who have been our routes since creation less of a force. I would like us to have a closer relationship with the entities of the Basque world along that road.
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