This has been explained to us in a small series of Dopamine, the German straight chain (and boat): eight chapters, chapters, chapters, chapters, leaflets, eight pills – but very condensed, each of milligrams – dedicated to the aforementioned applications. And it's OK to know the applications that it still doesn't use, which, with the calculation, are 50 percent. It's OK to know the mechanism (psychological, physical, philosophical) they use to catch you. But above all, it's OK to know what they're hiding from, or better, what they're aiming for. In short: advertising and personal data. Or did we think they were there to make our lives easier? They'll do anything for us to spend more hours in front of the screen. They'll do whatever it is to become addicts.
And without pretending to get moralistic -- it would be the second time -- but as with other forms of addiction, there's more and more awareness -- if you guess: betting houses -- I find it terrible to see how our parks are filled with boys and girls between the ages of 11 and 12 who have mobile phones. Because the dopaminergic system has been working well since the age of 12. And the ability to make thoughtful decisions doesn't develop until you're 20 years old. If it develops, of course.
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