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Ezkaba and the Pamplona Basin, looking at each other and with a military presence

  • From who have been watching each other the mountains (885 m) and the cities, sewing the form of the relationship of the time. In most cases it has been exploited for the citizens, in the last centuries fortress and now, above all, leisure space for thousands of neighbors and neighbors of the Comarca of Pamplona. South of the mountain are the American regiment of the Spanish Army and its field of shooting. They can be heard again in the last few weeks.
Ezkaba mendia Iruñeko Alde Zaharretik ikusita. (Arg.: X.Letona)
Ezkaba mendia Iruñeko Alde Zaharretik ikusita. (Arg.: X.Letona)
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

During the war there was a terrible prison in high Ezkaba. Then, when I was young, there was only one group of soldiers. Many houses were built / in small towns, in Ezkabapea / in new neighborhoods, in Ezkabape. / Under the porch, joy and pain in my heart.” They are the lines of the song Ezkaba of the musical group Balerdi Balerdi, with strokes engraved in the memory and present of citizenship.

The flight of 1938 is rooted in that pain, in the memory of the mountain. Hundreds of prisoners in Ezkaba’s upper prison – 2,500 then – starred in the largest flight ever recorded in a European prison: Of the 798 prisoners, the majority were captured on post-escape hunting and 206 deaths; only three managed to reach Iparralde in Urepel. The Fort of St. Kitts was imprisoned in 1934 and was commissioned to perform this function until 1945.

Ezkaba was a strategic city for air control in the Region of Pamplona and in 1878 ordered the construction of the fort that would bring his name to King Alfonso of Spain XII.enak. It ended in 1919, but it never fulfilled its military objective, as the planes began to be used in the war and with them the fortifications of this kind lost their military meaning. Currently, the building is owned by the Spanish Ministry of Defence, which until 1991 had a group of soldiers. In the years 2008 and 2009, works were carried out in the fortress, bringing down, among others, three walls that, according to the memorialist groups, they did to discredit the prison conditions of the fort.

Ezkaba has always been strategic to control the region of Pamplona, and that is why for centuries it has also been an important military center. (Ed. : 10. Latvian)

The building is already completely deteriorated and there are no soldiers on site, but the military are kept on the slopes of the mountain, at the Aitzoain headquarters. It was built in 1965 and the military of the Pamplona headquarters were transferred to the site. At its peak it has also received 2,000 soldiers, but there are currently only a few hundred.

One or the other,
the Aitzoain military has a lot to say about a fire, a shooting leak, a fort, sports events or now a field of shooting. In recent weeks, two projects have taken place: one, the construction of the shooting area and the other, the fence they want to build for it. In June 2019, the Ministry of Defence asked the Berrioplano City Hall for authorization to fence a 52-hectare plot from the shooting field to the Pico San Cristobal. The main reason for the closure is: “To raise awareness among civil citizens about the extension of the CMT of Aitzoain – field of shooting” (“portable to civilian staff within the scope of CMT Aizoain”). Interestingly, the licence application was made by the Army in June of this year, but the project was sent to the City Hall in February.

More or less, on the shooting ground that the military want to close. (Ed. : X.Letona

The military appropriates the part of the land they want to fencing, but the City Hall has denied it and at the beginning of September refused to allow the works to begin. The study carried out by the City Council in the Cadastros and other Registries clearly shows that these lands belong to Berrioplano and Berriozar and share a plot on the mountain several localities. The intention of the military has caused a great stir in the region of Pamplona, among other things because the project divides the mountain from the top down, closing roads for animals, pedestrians and bicycles. The military say that a new project will be presented and that this is where these avenues will be respected.

project of the building has been even worse dealt with by the military, who have not asked the City Council for the necessary work licence by law and the City Council ordered them to paralyse the work on 24 September. The mayor of Navarra Suma, Julian Bator, explained that the council requested last August the Ministry of Defense to clarify the reasons why the building was being built, but since the ministry did not answer within the deadline set for it, has ordered the suspension of the mismo.Como you see in the photographs, the environmental impact of the building is very large and the mayor
Bator asked the military to click green during the visit. Also on 4 June, after being appointed mayor, he made a courtesy visit to the headquarters.
They have been building barracks in the shooting area for two or three years, and when the new prison in Pamplona was built, some 7,000 dirt trucks were taken to condition the shooting ground. The tower began to be built at the beginning of the year, but citizenship realized its personality at the months, when they saw the second floor, which is four. This is not the first time these practices have been carried out and two years ago a concrete fence was built in the barracks without permission, without anyone's permission.

The building, the work of the Berrioplano City Hall, has been built by military in the unlicensed shooting field. (Ed. : X.Letona

Félix Remírez is a member of
EH Bildu in Berrioplano and tells us that “they are used to doing what they want.” However, he believes that the projects now have been very rare. “On the one hand, they have presented the lands that are not yours like yours, on the other hand, they have not asked for permission for the tower and they have wanted to go ahead with these projects… it seemed that the barracks were in decline but now they seem to want to revive.”

In any case, the problems with the military are not those of now, the shots have become the daily bread for the neighbours and have often caused accidents. Some of them have also caused fires in Ezkaba, the most serious in the year 2000, which caused the burning of 100 hectares of mountains. One of the owners of the burnt pine groves sued the military and the sentence gave him the reason: the fire was caused by a smoke device fired by the military in the shooting field, but it was not condemned because according to the sentence “you could not know who fired the pot”.

Remírez also recalls how a grenade launched with sub-rifle fell in the center of the village: “It was the police who called the military, they took the grenade and it is, nothing happened.” According to the councillor, the military has had frequent disputes with the municipalities and citizens of the area, mainly by the shooting area or by the closure of roads or by the possession of land. In 2018, the organizers had to suspend a mountain race that remembered the flight of 1938, as the Spanish Army was among the sponsors of the race: the executioner wanted to be his current sponsor, but the protests of the memorialist teams caused the race to be suspended.

Starting in 2016, the project of the Ezkaba Park is being carried out between the municipalities of the area and the Commonwealth of the Region of Pamplona and will be presented shortly. The park has 11 km2 and its objective is the exploitation of land, the preparation of leisure time and the implementation of the necessary environmental measures. The plan will regulate everything except the maintenance of the military there. In order to do this, the Nonsense and the Nonsense need more time and a more forceful plan.

Spanish Army headquarters in Aizoáin, next to which the shooting field is located.



XIII. mendean jada bazen San Cristobal izeneko baseliza bat Ezkaba mendian, XIX. mendera arte iraun zuena. Ondorioz, San Cristobal izenarekin ere ezagutzen da mendia. Alfonso XII.a gotorlekua egin zutenean desagertu zen. XIII. mendekoa da, halaber, Ezkabako gaztelua; han babestu ziren 1276an Iruñeko Navarreriako Gerrako buruzagiak, hauek armada frantsesaren aurka borrokatu ondoren. 1750etik 1760ra ere gotorleku txiki asko eraiki ziren Berrobeititik eta Arreraino. Eta Artikako lurretan, XIX. mendean kanpamentu militar bat ere izan zen.

Egungo gotorlekua egiteko, Espainiako Armada 1877an hasi zen lur desjabetzeekin eta orduan egin zen Artikatik tontorreraino daraman egungo pista, autoz goraino igotzea ahalbidetzen duena. 1913an egin zen egungo tiro eremuko lurren desjabetzea eta Aitzoaingo kuartela egiteko lurrena 1965ean. Joseba Gil iruindarra Elkarten bizi da azken 35 urteetan eta zinegotzia izan zen Berriobeitin 90eko eta iragan hamarkadetan, eta dioenez, une batean bazirudien militarrek bazutela gotorlekuaren jabetza beste erakunderen baten eskuetan uzteko asmoa: “Elkarrizketak ere izan ziren Berriobeitiko Udalarekin, baina azkenean ez zen ezertan mamitu”. Espainiako Armadaren webgunean jartzen duenez, armada “gotorlekua berrerabiltzeko kudeaketa eredu partekatua aztertzen ari da beste erakunde publiko batzuekin”.

Historiaurreraino eginez, Brontze eta Burdin Aroetako hainbat herrixka ere izan ziren Ezkaban, horietako garrantzitsuenetakoa egungo Artikako lurretan. Gizakiak beti ustiatu du Ezkaba. Duela gutxi arte hegoalde ia osoan mahastiak ugariak ziren. Ia herri guztietan izan dira harrobiak, ustiatuenak Artika, Aitzoain eta Berriozarrekoak. 1512 eta 1515a artean, adibidez, harrobi guztiek topera jardun zuten Iruñeko Gotorlekuaren eraikuntza harriz hornitzeko. Antsoain eta Artikan silize mehatzak ere egon izan dira. Iparraldera dago Ezkabarte udalerria mendiaren ipar guztia hartzen duen bailaran, 1816 biztanle eta hamaika auzoz osatua eta, seguruenik, Iruñerriko parajerik ezezagunena.



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