The circular route of Gari Berasaluze (Getaria, 1975) begins with reminiscence and ends with looking to the future: “If I pick up the cities/postcards that I have hugged you,/ it is not in a hotel called nostalgia/ to spend the nights by the piano.// But to wake up looking at the places that have had the color of your skin.”
Or maybe there was never such love, and that saudacia is what lives us, in Havana. Flags, carnations, lips, rum, here's the semantic field of the writer's eyes. Hotels, kisses, dreams, trains, another sentimental barn from Gari Berasaluze.
The poet has forged public intimacy on these pages, in which the world and the self are not isolated, but in full relationship: “However, we did not calculate that we lost the parties of bossa nova samba and kunbia salsa from day to day,/ (…)/”.
The bodies left, but the landscape is there. The letters have been returned to him in a poem. I say to you: Swallows have come back, it's like the path of birds themselves, we don't know where it begins or where it ends.
Gari's eternal hand, which we met and comes back here, is inevitably present. He would comb the words and move the oysters, but, not in vain, it is a “poem close to archaeology”, all at once, pieces made for a long time. They bring a mixture of ideals and romantic images, and their peculiar style makes beautiful all the loss that the years carry, a sweet, gentle rainy afternoon in the window. He has therefore given us a beautiful book that has shaken my memory and the lost struggles of our generation. This concept of Urrutikoetxea comes from Gantzarain, Cano, Serrano, Aldai, Berasaluze. And we, those of us who believed we would be Vladimir forever, when we woke up, “the mortgage was still there.”
Monterroso and Sarri, Casablanca and Chiapas, will not now be the most classic of the classics this type of poetry, the culmination of which is Gari Berasaluze, with its great musicality, imagination and sensitivity? Who knows? How do you know the swallows that have to go south?
Etxe bat norberarena
Yolanda Arrieta
Alberdania, 2024
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Rosvita. Teatro-lanak
Enara San Juan Manso
UEU / EHU, 2024
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Itzulpena: Leire Lakasta
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Itsasoa bete urre
Dani Martirena
Irudiak: Ana Ibañez
Txalaparta, 2022
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Fun Home. A tragic family
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Book Non sense
Edward Lear
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Guardasola wants rain
Patxi Zubizarreta
Illustrations: Irrimarra
Ibaizabal, 2024
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Eyes on the horizon
Writer: Illustrator Miren Agur
Meabe: Ane Pikaza
Elkar, 2020
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