At the end of 2017 the Baserriko Uzta project of the association EHKOlektiboa was announced: at each station concerts were announced in the ecological and small towns of Euskal Herria. The project was a way to open the doors of the dwellings through culture and music and bring their reality closer to the rest of the citizenship. The Biziaren Ahotsak initiative has started with the same objective: instead of music, Bertsolarism will be the protagonist.
EHKOlektiboa is an association of small baserritars from the Basque Country working in the ecological model and looking for another consumption model. Two years ago, the need to extend to the citizens the work that was being carried out within the collective, and so they came up with a musical initiative to make a bridge between the hamlet and the street. Instead of being musical groups, it will be the Bertsolaris who attract citizens to their homes.
“The baserritars should remember what gives us life: the earth. We should remember our responsibility: to really feed the people, not just fill their stomachs. We have to live in balance between these two elements. Reconnecting with the land and the people,” the proponents of the initiative said in a press release. Taking advantage of the communication capacity of the voice, over the coming months bertsolaris and amateurs will be able to visit the farmhouse and learn about the work they do in it.
The first edition of the illustrated visit will be held at the Caserío Pikunieta in Antzuola on 5 October. The bertsolaris Maialen Lujanbio and Amets Arzallus will act at the festival, starting at 10:30 in the morning at ETB-1. The attendees will make a visit to the cottage and, in addition to the bertsos session, there will be a meal.
People interested in registering for this first session of Biziaren Ahotsak can do so here (on the EHKOlektiboa website). The price of the visit, food and bertsolarism will be EUR 25 for adults and EUR 15 for children under 12. Participants under the age of 6 will have free access to the initiative. In the information note of the initiative, the organizers say: “Baserritarras and bertsolaris will put the voices together into life, will put the voices in the world, will make us visible. Let’s go to the essence: food and voice.”
Gipuzkoako hamaika txokotatik gerturatutako hamarka lagun elkartu ziren otsailaren 23an Amillubiko lehen auzo(p)lanera. Biolur elkarteak bultzatutako proiektu kolektiboa da Amillubi, agroekologian sakontzeko eta Gipuzkoako etorkizuneko elikadura erronkei heltzeko asmoz Zestoako... [+]
Emakume bakoitzaren errelatotik abiatuta, lurrari eta elikadurari buruzko jakituria kolektibizatu eta sukaldeko iruditegia irauli nahi ditu Ziminttere proiektuak, mahai baten bueltan, sukaldean bertan eta elikagaiak eskutan darabiltzaten bitartean.